[b]Solarel[/b] Priestess Hethar signs back to you. [i]Of course. As the chosen pilot of the Kathresis, you may direct its purpose. Nor will it come to any harm from the Terenians. They are instructed to obey the directions of my acolytes under significant penalty from their own leaders. The inhabitants of Styx have shown themselves to be independent of the greater Terenian forces and they did not lend any material aid to the war effort. As such, we have an agreement.[/i] She offers you a slight bow, barely more than a head nod out of respect. [i]It would, of course, be your choice as head of household whether to accept the Terenians into the household itself or if they should continue to be treated as outsiders.[/i] She walks with you through the hangar then, not saying anything. It appears that she is considering how to propose something to you very carefully. [i]There are many…speculations in the Zaldarian worlds about why you left the service of the empress. Is the Mira of the Fisher Clans the…reason for this choice?[/i] *** [b]Dolly[/b] The smile of delight on Valynia’s face is so sincere. “Ah, that’s what you wanted huh? You’re such a loyal little thing, and I like that in girls I take~” She nuzzles you, cheek against your face, and then pulls you up with her strong hand to nestle you against her chest. “Since you’re being good now, I think it’s time to claim you properly and show you around the rest of the station. Couldn’t have that before if you were going to bolt the first chance you got, or try and tackle some unsuspecting Bander.” She laughs like that was the funniest thing she could picture, the laughter rumbling through her body. Rested against her like that, you can feel that rumble penetrate through yours too. But that’s interrupted by a sudden sharp burning sensation that makes you yelp! If you look at your exposed right shoulder, above it Valynia has a small laser in her hand and she’s burned off some of your hair. It’s a little hard to see with your bound form perched against her, but it looks like she’s burned the symbol for a caught hare into your shoulder. If you get the chance to look more closely, you’ll see it’s a stylized character for the precise moment that the hare is taken by the huntress’ teeth. This must be Valynia’s personal symbol. Then she takes you out of your cell, still bound and gagged, and into the station mess. The mess isn’t particularly large. This is just a research station after all. It seats twenty, tightly. There’s some automation for the food, but also a Hybrasilian chef working in the kitchen adding spices to the pots set to automated cook times to make sure that there’s some good flavor. The mess itself has ten people, two Terenians (one the Terenian you came with) and eight Hybrasilians. Now adding you and Valynia. If you were looking into this Red Band, you’d find this interesting, since they had started as a strictly Hybrasilian pirate organization robbing shipping within your own sector of the galaxy, but had obviously expanded out to recruiting Terenians. And then everything is a bit of a whirlwind. Valynia sits you on a chair and poses proudly next to you like she’s caught a prize fish and strung it up for a photograph. Suddenly, all ten people in the mess, especially the Hybrasilians, are all over you. Inspecting, pinching, pressing, rubbing. You’re the new prize, Dolly and everybody wants to make sure that they get to have a little fun with it. Someone, hard to say who in the pile, even slaps your butt hard enough to elicit a mrowl through your gag. Eventually, when they’re all done, Valynia will untie one arm and the gag just enough to let you eat what is probably the spiciest meat stew you’ve ever had in your life. Going to take advantage of this tiny speck of freedom? [b]Jade[/b] The sensations from Dolly start to get a little overwhelming. Like she’s being touched all at once in more places even than you can manage. But of course you have to let that go because Mirror’s right in front of you climbing up your idol in what is absolutely malicious compliance with the dictates of a goddess and you’ve got a lot to say to her, don’t you~? [b]Mirror[/b] You can tell, even with the limited data you have, that the goddess is distracted by something going on elsewhere. It might be her little priestess or someone else if anybody besides you right now and her glove have this sort of memory weave. But it’s obvious despite any efforts she makes to hide it that some external source is making it hard for her to give you a hundred percent of her focus. *** [b]Isabelle[/b] Quar doesn’t keep you. She appears to be enjoying herself, but you are her captor and she is focused on teaching you communication. If you want to stay, you’ll need to come up with the excuse. You don’t, she doesn’t, and so you’re off. It’s interesting that you’re carrying Asil’s message around with you though. First off is mecha practice. You have the option of customizing the novasurge today. You don’t know your next opponent, so there isn’t a recommended setup specifically to counter them yet, but you can make some decisions about armament preferences. Do you want to focus on ranged or melee combat? Heavy or light, long or short, rapid fire or precision? Do you want a missile loadout, or would you prefer that physical equipment focus on a shield, a heavier weapon, or extra defensive generators? Whatever you choose, you’re going to be thrown into the Novasurge and required to practice against some hapless pilots in your house’s employ. What do you want to practice? And are you carrying Asil’s message even into the cockpit of the Novasurge?