"Heck Yeah!" Bob exclaimed, already getting excited before clearing his throat and trying to compose himself better. He snags the money envelopes and tosses Talia's to her while pocketing his own. "Yeah, I got the perfect place. No worries. Hey... when I ran away from home, I had a chance to empty my bank account of my allowance... do you have something like that that you can do... or need to pick up your stuff? We should probably do that first, if there's still time." He turns to Manny, Showing his excitement and childish glee in his eyes before he slips the mask back on over his head. "See you soon! We'll get this all worked out." Bob would head for the window, then pause. Reaching down, he turns off the boots, and then extends his elbow in a formal gesture to Talia to take her arm, prepared to take the stairs like a normal person. "Sorry, the boots make the stairs and exorcise in patience... which isn't my strong suite."