"I'm not [i]torturing[/i] you," protested Fio, already having to deal with enough of an awkward situation as it was without Cethlann's comments. Married? Obviously not even close to the truth. She tried not to glance in the Fomorian's direction, and used the outside of the jacket to dry herself as opposed to the inside. Leaving a prisoner to sit and grow increasingly cold without any form of clothing [i]was[/i] torture, and even if said prisoner was a Fomorian it was wrong to do such a thing. So by using the outside of the jacket instead she could keep it from getting too wet. "What exactly do you think a witch is?" she complained. Why was [i]this[/i] what Cethlann expected from a witch? What part of this situation screamed witch to the fomorian, exactly? What kind of experiences did she have with witches? Was [i]that[/i] something she could have discovered if she went the other way in Cethlann's dreams? On second thought, perhaps she didn't want to know. The sight of the scar on the Fomorian's torso wasn't lost on Fio, and there was an even larger one on her back. Initially Fio assumed it was the result of self-experimentation, but it only took a few moments for the Sword Witch to realize why that didn't make much sense. Cethlann had not endured her own pain particularly well. While she'd like to assert that it wasn't important, there was every possibility it was. "I-in any case, I certainly learned some interesting information," Fio added, doing her best to not directly reveal anything she had learned yet and try and keep her mind off of the general awkwardness of the situation. The three-armed Fomorian was associated with Cethlann, and on top of that the latter had been getting pressure for results from another party. She'd have to investigate more, when she was able. She tossed the jacket back onto the Fomorian and set about retrieving her own clothing. Certainly her undergarments were soaked, but the rest of her clothing wasn't. Soon enough, she was adjusting her hat back in place. [@Rune_Alchemist]