[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221228/e3646881519c8797093b3ea49f784cbd.png[/img][/center] [color=FF0086][hr][/color] Of course he didn't return the money. That would be stupid. Haylen followed the kid until they got to a secluded place, only to be questioned about the things he wore. She didn't seem much like a government bloodhound, and judging by how she seemed to just [i]materialize[/i] money out of thin air, they had something in common. Haylen relented, and pulled the sunglasses off. His right eye was unassuming, a pale green. The left, however, wasn't the kind of thing a human being should have. Where Haylen's left eye should have been was nothing more than a pink sphere in the shape of an eye where white should have been. There was something resembling an old surgical scar running horizontally across the strange eye, and Matilda might have felt it was actually watching her like a real eye. [color=FF0086]"You're doing that with magic."[/color] He said flatly, less of an accusation and more to convey he understood it.