[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220421/e3210451b4acd292b424c43e0df4432e.png[/img][/center] [hr][indent] [i]Absolute failure.[/i] Just the thought alone was enough to cause Eila to bristle. She had never failed anything in her twenty three years of life! What a first impression to make, Father would be mortified. Her mother would be so disappointed. Even her auntie would give her a 'tut' and a shake of the head. She needed to get herself together, as while her old reputation wouldn't come to play, she had to make a better impression as an adventurer. After exhaling a breath of both frustration and a feeble attempt at calming herself, the elf nodded solemnly in response to Cerric's words. All was not lost yet, her embarrassment was punishment enough and dwelling on it for too long would reflect poorly on her. She gave the pair another bow. [color=palegreen]"I understand. Accept my sincerest apologies once again,"[/color] She apologized once again before straightening up, though she did remember to stoop down and grab her bag. She tried to keep her chin raised as she placed her bag on the wagon, taking her bow and slinging it over her arm. She hadn't the time to equip her quiver but she could do it now, looping it onto her belt quickly. At that point, Kyreth greeted her. [color=palegreen]"The same to you, my friend."[/color] She gave him what she hoped was a cheery smile, though she was happy he was still wearing her cloak. Good, he deserved a little luxury after their day. She was a little surprised to see him here, but she would make sure she was absolutely ready before she would approach him. With dagger concealed and her quiver properly looped, she plucked her bowstring once to make sure she hadn't damaged it in her rush. Ceolfric volunteered to take the front. Eila wasn't entirely sure what the rest were capable of, but she thought it best if the others were sandwiched between. If she took the rear, she could support on all sides, and her aether sensing would help make sure they wouldn't get ambushed. [color=palegreen]"I will take the rear, then,"[/color] She volunteered. As she walked, the whisper hit her. Ceolfric was more talented than she had assumed, though to think they were both Animas Aetherborn was certainly a coincidence. She had no idea what he spoke of, but she assumed it was important, so she listened carefully. She could do without that arrogance, but if he was giving information, she supposed it was best to do as he said. She did, however, catch that gaze, and immediately decided that he was [i]insufferable[/i]. [/indent][hr][hr]