Hello there! Thanks for clicking! So, this is a little bit of an odd check i.e., it’s not something you typically see on this site. In fact, it’s kind of the opposite. And I’m going to be honest. I don’t expect a lot of response to this check if I get any at all. Still, I won’t know unless I try so I figured I would at least put it out there and see what happens. Here’s hoping right? Anyways the setting for this world is one of those trope filled worlds where everyone has some sort of classification. You know the ones I mean. Everyone is either a Dom or a Sub, an Alpha or an Omega, a Master or Pet, a Littler or Caretaker. You know what I mean. I’m not exactly sure about all the details of this world. It could be one of the groupings above or a combination or something completely else. I am totally willing to discuss it further with a potential partner. Here's where the request gets a little different. My character’s classification is one that typically has a sexual connotation. So, I imagine they are either a Dom or a Sub. I don’t really have a preference in either direction. I don’t even really have a sex, gender, or romantic orientation fully fleshed out. Here’s what I do have figured out, and what it makes this whole thing odd, they are ace, as in asexual. So even though their classification is traditionally and culturally connected to sex they have little to no desire for sex. They have a little bit of trauma, (every good character does) but their sexual orientation doesn’t really have anything to do with that. However, they still need to scene for some cliché biological reason. Oh no! What are they going to do? This is supposed to be an experiment in writing nonsexual submission. Heavy emphasis on the nonsexual portion of that. I don’t really mind playing the “dominant” or the “submissive” role. I have a preference, but I’m not connected to that with any real desire. I have ideas for why people need to scene, mostly around getting into the correct “headspace.” I also have a few ideas for how our characters meet depending on which role I wind up playing. I should state that I have no problem with certain, for lack of better words, kink, in a nonsexual form. I even have a few in mind. But I’m not listing them since this is a public forum. As stated previously, I’m all for discussing with potential partners. Role-playing should have health communication overwise it just feels like I’m bullying the other person. As for what I’m looking for in a partner. First and foremost, I am in my thirties, yep, I’m old. I have no desire to be one of those creepy old weirdos on the internet preying on young innocents, so I am going to ask that you be older than 24. Will I make you prove it? No. I can’t. But please remember I really have no problem with you being young. I just don’t want to be a creepy weirdo. (I realize saying that makes me a little weird, but I should get credit for trying.) Another thing is that I enjoy delving into what the characters are thinking and really knowing why they do things. I’m not looking for two sentences of actions. I’m looking for at least three well done paragraphs. I personally aim for anywhere from 400 – 600 to 1000 – 1300 words a post. That isn’t every post. I promise. I’m just looking for something a little past the middle on the advance side of the casual to advance scale. If that makes sense. Typos are expected and forgiven. Finally, I’m looking for commitment. I personally can only post once a week. I would like to ask for the same but understand that life comes first. There may be weeks when that can’t happen. That’s okay. Just please let me know. Also please don’t disappear slash quit after like 20 posts. This premise is important to me. I don’t need people getting my hopes up only to dash them. Other than that, I suppose I should mention that this will be a PM thing. It’s not something I really want to share with everyone on the site. So, if you’re interested or just have questions send me a PM. Thank you so much for reading this far! LadyAnnaLee!