[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221224/c1f06a4b66cc2f37077542245b490e14.png[/img][/Center] [Right]New Bark Town --> Route 29[/Right][hr] Isaac's face faded into somewhat of a scowl at the pair as they approached, his peace and quiet finally broken. One seemed somewhat... eccentric, while the other seemed much more polite and reserved. Was he just another kiss-ass? Or legitimately like that? The girl on the other hand, he immediately disliked. Too enthusiastic. She was going to be a handful, and that wasn't something he wanted to deal with. Maybe he could get Kick to deal with her? He ignored the girl's comment as he looked them over closer. [color=eebc27]"Nidorans, huh? Not what I would have picked, but I suppose it's not the worst choice you could've made. Don't expect to get any Moon Stones outta me for them though."[/color] He stood up straighter to seem more orderly, mostly out of habit from innumerable interviews, speeches, and photos. He put his hand to his chin as he cracked his neck, a disappointed sigh escaping as no sound was made. [color=eebc27]"I doubt the two of you have been living under a rock, but just in case you have, I'm Isaac, current reigon Champion, and I don't plan on giving that up anytime soon."[/color] He pointed a thumb over towards the Blaziken standing next to him, who was watching closely, trying to mirror Isaac's position. [color=eebc27]"This is Kick. He was my old starter. He isn't allowed to fight or anything like that, unless our lives are in danger. He's only here because he practically begged the Elite Four to go with and they agreed on that stipulation. You can talk to him if you want, I couldn't care less."[/color] Isaac's posture slowly began to slouch as he gave up trying to keep standing up straight. There was so much talking, it was like giving interviews all over again. He let an exasperated sigh as he took a pause from his talking. This was going to be a long day. He'd better wrap this up quickly. [color=eebc27]"Given your ages I'm going to assume you know the basics like type matchups and status conditions. If not, well..."[/color] He gave a half-hearted shrug. [color=eebc27]"...You'll learn. I know the reigon pretty well, so we shouldn't get lost, even if we stray off the path. I wouldn't recommend doing that too often unless you're looking to hurt yourself or get stuck."[/color] Isaac closed his eyes for a brief second to regain some amount of composure. It was almost over. Just a little more and they could hopefully get to Cherrygrove in relative silence. [color=eebc27]"I'm going to be doing the gym challenge along the way, you're free to join in, or just watch if you want, doesn't matter much to me."[/color] He looked over at the path leading out of town. [color=eebc27]"We'll be starting here at route 29. There's nothing worth catching or using, so don't waste your time. Just defeat what you can, and build up experience."[/color] Isaac looked back at the pair, gesturing towards the exit to town, before beginning to walk that way, Kick following closely behind. [color=eebc27]"If you have any questions or concerns, we can walk and talk. Lets get moving."[/color]