[b]White, 3V![/b] "Heroes, huh? No, I guess there aren't a lot of those going around this place." Of course, a really hero would have something insightful to say here. Or at least encouraging. Even a stock speech would be fine, because it would at least be from the heart. But Euna simply shrugs and returns the sad look. Her eyes flick back and forth between November, 3V, and the clock on the wall. Somehow she winds up laughing and frowning at the same time. "I do still want to help, you know. You're outside my specialty but I, yeah. I understand a little where you're coming from. I want to understand a little better. Please, consider arranging meetings for me with the rest of your colors. I don't need them all at once. It's fine if some or even most of them are hostile, even. None of them even need to talk. Honestly if the majority of your partitions hate me that makes you exactly the same as eighty percent of my clients already, just split across more bodies than I'm used to. But I have to see them if I'm gonna build a proper plan for you, ok? The difference between knowing everything I can and having to make assumptions is the same space between making you the best version of yourself and... being me." She nods at 3V's question, but doesn't say anything for a long time. Instead she shunts the pair of you in her back office and returns to normal gym activities. Every time one of you pokes your head out she's there in a flash to push you back inside. Wait. Don't leave, please. But there are schedules that need to be maintained. Eventually, the lights start going off on the main floor. Soon there's only the lamp in this cramped office, stuffed with neatly organized but shockingly analog files, and the obnoxious neon blaring of the still-active @SARAHPHIM arcade machines. Closing time at last. Euna appears, wiping her hair down with a towel. In her time away she's changed out of her workout clothes and into a very fitted black suit complete with a very proper tie. "Sorry," she says without particularly sounding it, "You went and asked me a tricky question. I just needed to... Can I get you dinner? I can order whatever you need." Euna throws a tablet at 3V's lap (already open to a delivery app) before walking across her desk and sitting down at her chair. She props her elbows on the table and lets her chin rest in her hands. Then she's quiet for long enough to make things awkward again. "You're doing research. That's why you remembered me all of a sudden." She is not asking a question, but there's also no sense of hurt that would imply she's taken offense either. She just looks unbearably tense. The seconds tick by. Finally she clears her throat, and it's like a spell hanging over her shatters. She shifts in her chair, perfectly upright, and breaks her stance to flip her fingers through her hair. "I want... I [i]need[/i] you to understand. Whatever else you hear when you go poking around, neither Sara or I did anything illegal. My documentation is triple certified. This place is mine. Hers and mine. Ours. Understood?"