[hider=jump in the caac] [indent][center][color=f26522][h2]Aron Carvajal[/h2][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/uBE44fN.jpg[/img] [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3bcGEVlFbM][color=f26522]"Not my finest night."[/color][/url][/i] [hider=Appearance] Aron is a man of large stature. Meaty, you could say. There was never much time for him to work on toning down in the later years of his life and while there’s plenty of opportunity now in the almost-afterlife, all motivation for it has been reduced to dust with the whole being dead thing. His hair is naturally dark and wavy, cropped on the sides and styled in the cut of his contemporaries - about as well-groomed as a mullet could possibly be. His facial hair varies frequently, sometimes going from a full mo to untrimmed stubble. His usual expression is a deadpan (or is it vacant?) stare out over the horizon. As for his attire, Aron dresses in simple masculine fashion. Subtle, patterned button ups, his most reliable pair of Timbs. Whenever he’s heading ‘out’, so to speak, he’ll chuck a hoodie and thick jacket over it if needed. He permanently has a pair of Oakley[url=https://www.oakley.com/en-au/product/W0OO9208?variant=888392243683&size=XL]®[/url] sunnies somewhere on his person. On occasion, he’ll have some elaborate nail art adorning his hands. It is not clear where he gets them from.[/hider][/center][/indent] [indent][color=f26522][b]Age:[/b][/color] 28 [color=f26522][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=f26522][b]Weapon:[/b][/color] An obsidian bo staff. Aron thought the bo was pretty flash back when they were working with that Chinese client. As a bonus, the staff can retract its form into something resembling a tablet pen-like baton. [color=f26522][b]Magic Branch:[/b][/color] Motion, or at least Aron’s perception of it.[/indent] [indent][hider=Spells] [indent] [b]Scale[/b] [indent]A verbal spell that manipulates the time scale of an object or being’s intended motion. It affects only one target, either speeding or slowing it down. ‘Intended motion’ can be a difficult concept for Aron to decide upon, especially when it comes to a living target with potentially dissenting ideas, leading to some potentially unpredictable results. This spell merely changes the time taken to get from Point A to Point B, it does not alter the force behind a motion.[/indent] [b]Scale... 2[/b] ([color=f26522][i]“The, uh, the up and down of it, y’know?”[/i][/color]) [indent]That’s what Aron’s second spell is for. With this one, he can manipulate the force behind a motion. Verbal to increase it up to twicefold, written to increase or decrease it up to fourfold. A-okay when it comes to inanimate objects, but when it comes to living targets and their physical limitations… [color=f26522][i]“Look, how was I supposed to know his bones were so brittle?”[/i][/color][/indent] [b]Frameshell[/b] [indent]With this spell, Aron can copy-paste the actions of a target within a four second timeframe back onto the target, essentially making the target repeat the exact action. The verbal spell affects just physical movement, while the written extends to other spells or magical effects. The more Aron forces a repeat of the same action, the more unstable the spell becomes. When frameshelling spells, Aron can simply make the target recite and recast the spell in the four second timeframe. When it comes to written spells however, since they would have their inscriptions eaten up on activation, they would not be reactivated/refreshed outside of circumstances like "the target had multiple prepared copies of the spell on hand" or "the target had a very simple written spell that could be written and reactivated within the timeframe".[/indent] [b]Keyframe[/b] [indent]The creation of motion. With the verbal spell, he can manipulate an inanimate object in a manner akin to telekinesis, translating its components in five second bursts. The written spell manipulates a living or magical unit for five seconds. With a puppeteer’s precision, Aron can twist and translate the movements of his target as he wishes. However, the written spell has a chance of “breaking the rig”, a possibility of exceeding the physical and logical limitations of the target and leaving them to reap the consequences of that when the spell wears off. Since a living being's form has a natural state to return to, such injury can be avoided with enough concentration on Aron's part. For the most part, the aftermath is a severe dislocation. In extreme cases - [i][color=f26522]"...Ripping. That's really the only word for it."[/color][/i] Beings with a higher volume of flesh find it easier to avoid these accidents.[/indent][/indent][/hider][/indent] [indent] [hider=why reaper][indent][color=f26522]“So why’d I say ‘yes’?”[/color] The man scratched the back of his head and cast his eyes into another corner of the room. Gave a loose shrug. [color=f26522]“I’d, uh, never been to Portugal before.”[/color] Hm. Right, he was meant to elaborate here. Context, he almost always forgot. [color=f26522]“The board. With the jobs ‘n all. I saw, uh, Portugal. And Chicago, maybe…? The orientation guy pointed it out, said you’d have to go all over, rounding up ghosts or whatever you do.”[/color] No response from the other end of the table. Just continued staring, pen poised over the clipboard and… oh, that was a nod. Keep going, sure. [color=f26522]“I was meant to go with some mates last year.”[/color] That sounded right, unless time was all dogged in this city. [color=f26522]“But work – my contract and shit – y’know. No annual leave approved ‘til the screener’s done. So yeah, didn’t go.”[/color] Pen scratched across paper. Oh, this was being recorded. Fuck, he just swore too. Uhhh. Did this place have a HR department? This evaluation session wasn’t important, was it? Oh no. No way he was gonna get written up in his first week here. [color=f26522]“It’s also cos I’m so good at…”[/color] Remember those job interview tips, Aron. [color=f26522]“Getting bossed around…? And grunt work. I mean, lifting and all that. I had a summer job at a classmate’s uncle’s tradie company for a bit, hauling stuff. And quotas. I did those when I was alive.”[/color] He nodded. [color=f26522]“Hitting them. Yeah.”[/color] The interviewer’s pen had stopped. That… that was good, right? [color=f26522]“That’s why I said yes to the Reaper gig. Because I’d be so…”[/color] He straightened his posture. Like a professional. [color=f26522]“…so good at it.”[/color][/indent][/hider][/indent][/hider]