[hider=Toby Springer] [b]Name: [/b]Toby Springer [b]Age: [/b]15 [b]Gender|Sex|Identity: [/b]Female [b]Personality Description: [/b]Toby is a polite, gentle, and obedient child who longs desperately for the approval and love of others, especially her own family. She is also relatively academically gifted, while being quite shy and anxious. Furthermore, she tends to be quite the people-pleaser, always putting other people before herself. This is a side-effect of having particularly low self esteem, due to the condition of her household, which causes her to hold herself to an impossibly high standard that she is never able to satisfy. To her, not meeting these standards does not just mean being unloved by those closest to her- but also that her [i]own[/i] life lacks any meaning altogether. All in all, this leads to her having some depressive and defeatist tendencies, which while not overly malignant at this point in her life, could easily warp into something far worse down the line. [b]Physical Description: [/b]She has a lithe and petite form for a child of her age, with pale skin and neat, long onyx black hair. Her eyes, meanwhile, are a stormy grey tint. Finally, she currently wears glasses. [i]Example Below:[/i] [img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/254809183/original.png[/img] [b]Backstory: [/b]Toby moved to New Hope at the age of eight, following the estrangement between her father and mother due to the reveal of a years’ long affair on her mother’s part that had ended up producing Toby. Her father claimed custody over her siblings, while her mother moved to New Hope to raise Toby by herself Growing up, Toby has been put under a lot of pressure by her single mother, who has constantly pushed and urged her to succeed and be perfect no matter what, even at the cost of her own health and wellbeing. Toby has tried to live up to her mother’s expectations by being the best daughter she can possibly be, but she has also attempted to build a meaningful connection with their father to little avail. [b]Notable Connection:[/b] Toby is Audrey’s cousin through her mother, who is a daughter of Edward Springer. Audrey is one of Toby's only friends, and she considers her one of the few people in the world she can actually confide her feelings and struggles to. [b]Respond to these prompts in character[/b]: You're in class and the Fire Alarm goes off. Everyone begins to panic. “I freeze and don’t do anything at all until a teacher tells me to move.” You've made plans to go to the festival and are running late, but may make it in time to see the fireworks with your friends. On your way, you see a stranger with a flat tire on the side of the road. [i]“I’ll try to help out the stranger to the best of my ability, but I’m also going to have to apologize to my friends for not making it to the festival in time. I’ll have to make it up to them somehow later.” [/i] You fall asleep in class and begin to dream; you're atop a ruined tower and a massive dragon circles overhead. You reach for... [i]“A hole, that I could hide in or die in. Either is fine, to be perfectly honest.” [/i] The world is so boring; you wish you had a super power. What do you wish for? [i]“A super power? I guess whatever would make my mom happy. Maybe something that lets me know whatever she wants from me.” [/i] You are suddenly reminded that tomorrow is the Midterm Exam. [i]“I’m dead. I’ve screwed up beyond massively, and now I’m going to pay the price. Nobody’s going to like me anymore after this. My mom’s going to yell at me, and my dad’s going to keep ignoring me… I guess I might as well cram while I still have time.” [/i][/hider]