[center][color=FFCE00][h2][u]The Snakeburrow Woods[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [center][sub]15th of the Full Autumn Moon, 1698 P.A. Evening - Overcast Skies[/sub][/center] Esvelee tucked Eila’s bag out of sight within the red fern and patted the side of the wagon as she came around, taking Cerric’s proffered hand as she stepped up. [color=skyblue]“Alright, ladies and gentlemen and things of all kinds, we embark on your first foray into greatness! While not the stuff of legends yet, I have no doubt you’ll excel and join the ranks of adventurers known for their heroism and bravery, cunning and kindness. All heroes need their first step. I suggest you don’t falter.”[/color] Cerric offered with a grin and clapped his hands together. Esvelee shot him a strange look but snapped the reins nonetheless, jolting the horse into action and taking the cart towards the forest. [hr] Although the first day seemed likely to rain, not a drop of water came down. The wind bit cold as the day neared its end and the skies darkened even further but the journey stayed dry into the late afternoon as the light struggled to break both cloud and foliage. The Snakeburrow woods had started to show their autumn colors and some few had already drifted to the ground, more as the wind tore through the branches. The well worn path didn’t stray from its course, barely winding through the trees as the group plodded on. Thankfully, the first day was relatively uneventful with the exception of a panicked boar bursting onto the trail and then charging past into the undergrowth on the other side of the path. No explanation was offered for the situation as no further noise could be heard and even a cursory glance from the trail's edge offered nothing but a path of snapped twigs and gouts in the earth from the upset animal. Cerric seemed unconcerned and waved it off, keeping the group on track. Now, as the light faded from the trail, Esvelee pulled off the side of the trail and elad the group a short distance into the woods where a clearing opened up. Clearly a well used rest area for this leg of the journey, the vegetation was mostly beaten into packed dirt through overuse and a vague wooden structure could serve as a water trough. A circle of stones around a small pit offered a little spot for fires but otherwise, the area was empty. Esvelee pulled the cart around the circle away from the road and hopped down to stretch her legs. [color=mediumspringgreen]“Aight, so here’s the first stop. There are a bunch of these along the side of the road here since this is the only clear way through the woods. Normally, the Duke’s men patrol the routes but with most soldiers gettin’ sent up to God’s know where, they don;t have the manpower anymore.``[/color] Esvelee sighed as she twisted out the faint ache in her back. [color=skyblue]“Well, seems like a great time for some camp set up and watch splitting!”[/color] Cerric cheerfully stated. [color=skyblue]“If anyone needs their waterskins refilled, please leave them on the back of the cart and I’ll top ‘em off.”[/color]