I progressed myself hunting in the trees through rain and wind, my pits helped me correct primeval might from caring about the falls from the branches, evaluating it as merely processions. So, I learned to use my tail as a hinge to my belly - the longer I got - capably tracing over my body ranging towards my tail and capturing any new prey skirmishing by my tail. My pits kept me from extremities like slithering too far onto branches, losing gravity's interest to remind myself what branches and their trees were familiar. I had to revere extensions of slithering, but my pits kept me in warmth most of the time, I couldn't comprehend what warmth was because it wasn't visible only felt so I began getting heat-vision. Although I always had that, it just made sense more now that I had earned it as memory serves. I didn't need to rest on nooks, and could just rest on any branch, really. I'd coil, and purge smythe from attitude, as I wrapped myself - or wrapped around the branch as a nook itself. Sleeping came with maturity, and with the mind fulfilling heat-sense, I could meditate into slumber, in day or night.