"Cat-kitty?" Máire followed Rat's gaze down the street briefly, then shrugged. "Attending to other matters, following other leads. Does it matter?" No, it probably did. As far as Rat was concerned, the shapeshifter was another Templar, and it would likely cause some sense of anxiety to have them lost in the wind when Rat was supposed to be their guide. A role that he apparently wasn't meant to have in the first place. Máire's eyes wandered back toward the alley, briefly; whoever was hiding down there likely wouldn't take kindly to hearing Rat had lost one of his charges. "They're following another lead," Máire added quickly, before anyone could raise any questions on the matter. "Cat-kitty will regroup with us later. It's more important we regroup with our missing third, first." "You're taking them to see Aegis?" Doll piped up, stepping closer to them both, grabbing tight to Máire's sleeve. His eyes sparkled with something she didn't recognize, a wide grin splitting his face. "Can I come with?" Máire recoiled slightly from the child's enthusiasm, sharing a look with Rat. "...Whatever. It's up to our guide."