Location: Human Village [@Psyker Landshark][@Asuras][@VitaVitaAR] [hr] Whether Giles had much to comment on the vampires words, he didn’t speak it. He’d merely order the rest of the villagers to do as previously ordered. Quickly they’d clamor to grab anything they could, barricading and sealing off the door to the basement as the vampires made their descent… Dragan was the first to engage, the beast hearing him approach as he’d rush towards it, hammer raised and poised to smash its face in. The creature, quickly turned its head towards the vampire knight in response and with little care for its own wellbeing met Dragan’s charge with its own. Dragan’s hammer met flesh, slamming the creature's face against his hammer with a sickening crack. Whether through its own momentum or power though, it didn’t have the intended effect of smashing him through the ground. Instead, it would carry through, its antlers slamming against his armor as the beasts claws, in a frenzied, gluttonous rage tried to rip and tear at his armor, trying to find anyway to get to the fleshy bits within as it gnashed its teeth and howled. Luna’s assault was as elegant as she was, it seemed. The beast, upon feeling the magical restraints on its flesh, chains attempting to bind it, shrieked, looking up from its meal just in time to see the vampire launch her assault upon it. Her sabre slashed its flesh, right near its neck, the blade cleanly cutting through it as blood oozed from its wounds. It struggled against its bonds, arms flailing and shrieking, wrapping its gnarled claws around one of the chains, pulling and wrenching the chain as another cut was delivered to its head, right through its eye. Finally, with a hiss and a loud shriek, it managed to break the chains, flapping its weak wings and leaping into the…well, it tried, only to bang its head against the ceiling, and then promptly fall upon Luna, still aiming to claw and otherwise injure her in a somewhat admittedly unconventional manner. From further down the hallway, the shouts of more humans, cut short. They likely weren’t going to be able to save many unless they hurried. There didn’t seem to be an obvious way that the beasts had gotten in down here. Location: Forest of Beasts [@Click This] [hr] Landing on the beast, it struggled, throwing its head and bucking its body as it’d slow to a halt, trying to throw the vampire off as she’d plunge the silver blade into the creatures arm as it made an attempt to grab her, earning another pained shriek as it’d recoil, but still not down as it’d clutch the injured arm, giving her just enough time to plunge the blade into the skull of the antlered beast, having a near immediate effected as it bucked and tried to remove the pest from its back coming to a near complete halt and almost throwing her off - and it would have, had it not been for the first creature that had finally managed to grab her. She’d feel pain in her stomach, the beasts claws having impaled her as it’d pull her from the beast, slamming her into the ground where it’d pull its claw from her stomach, proceeding to try and maul her. Location: Human Village, Riverside [@Pyromania99] [hr] Akyasha engaged the beast, bloody axe sinking into the creatures knee as it hadn’t even seen or acknowledged her presence up until it was too late to avoid it. The beast howled, gurgling as it’d immediately tur blood oozing from the wound but the cut was far to shallow to reach bone, cutting through what seemed to be nothing but fat, making the beast more agitated then anything. Immediately, it’d turn, making a wide sweep with the ship mast in its arm in an attempt to slam it into the vampire nun. Inside, Julene made it back down to the first floor, the building quickly lighting up with fire, but the undead were not so easily deterred. Not caring for their own unlife, and still burning they’d leap from the upper floor, trying to accost and drag her down with them, while the ones on the stairs and lower floor still made their way towards her. “Tch, just die already.” She’d growl, managing to block a strike from one of the undead creatures, shoving it back into a wall that was on fire. She had to get out of here before the other barrels ignited - but the things were being awfully persistent in slowing down her escape from this place. Location: Pirates End [@crimson Paladin] [hr] Perhaps, Argus better be glad even considering making a servant of the Violet Witch a thrall was not considered some form of treason. “Not far now captain!” Cynthia called back, retrieving her spear from the wood that it had found itself resting in as argus tossed the net into the water nearby…whether or not it had some effect for the moment. More skeletal undead would pull themselves from the water around them, earning an annoyed growl from Cynthia as she’d quickly engage, slicing through more and leaping through an open hole on the ships hull that she had pulled her spear from. “This way! Hurry! That thing-!” Too late. Whatever it was, slammed its bulk into the ship hull, cracking its weakened frame, splintering it and sending it sinking into the waves, Cynthia disappearing further within. In the same instance, the platform under Argus was slammed into with enough force to completely shatter his already unstable footing! He’d need to act fast unless he’d want to find himself swimming with the undead and whatever creature that was.