Right, I FINALLY have time now. [@DrabberRogue]: Hm... I think the character would have more to gain by not being super heavy magic spec, personally? Having it in the repertoire is fine, but I think that with our cast, too much magic might not be the greatest path to take. We don't have any mixed magic/physical people in the crew, for example, and reasonably speaking if you want that combat spec you should consider something like that instead of going for super magic focus. That's a power thing, though. Reasonably, it being rare should be sufficient to make him valuable, not that it should need to have access to the BEST of the rarest. As for personality... I think you could probably do with making it a bit more defined? I get a feel for what he's like, sure, but only in a bit of a vague sense where I get how he "acts" but not the sort of person he "is", if that makes sense. So I think for now it's not quite a rejection, but... Not acceptance, either. [@Chiro]: We're still open, yeah. As for that concept, though... It's all about execution on that front. Gotta come up with someone compelling to be more than just "a character who tries to mess with meta-knowledge" like that.