[center][h1][b]Closed![/b][/h1] (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)[/center] Hello! It seems enough years has passed for me to cast another line out into the proverbial sea to [i]sea[/i] what I catch (Eh? [i]Eh???[/i]). Anyways, I hope to meet some of you all, and get a good story rolling. :) I've been RP-ing for a long while now, and recently have come across space to take on one or two stories. I'm in the Mountain timezone, and can usually post on a daily basis. I am in a bit of a unpredictable job (working full time and then some), so my ability to post will be a bit erratic. Once a day is what I aim for. Sometimes I can do multiple. Sometimes I can't do any. Please be patient with me! But before we get to the meat of things, I'd like to outline some boundaries and expectations. [center][h3]Boundaries & Expectations[/h3][/center] [list] [*][u]Fade-to-Black Only:[/u] I will not be writing detailed sex scenes, sorry! Characters can totally have sex as part of their development, but I prefer to use the Fade In/Out method. Of course, I know part of the fun is the whole Will-They-Won't-They back and forth, so I'm happy to play through some of that, but once things starting getting heavy, I'll have to fade out. [*][u]Post Length:[/u] Definitely no one-liners for me. Consider something around low-Advanced level. I would prefer chunkier posts (~3 paragraphs on average), but I understand that sometimes it's not possible. I usually match whatever my partners give me, but I have been known to get really carried away sometimes (multi-page long posts lmao) - so flexibility is important! And on that note... [*][u]Flexibility:[/u] I have no preference in playing whichever gender, but I do value variety - so if the story requires multiple characters, I would like to have the freedom of choosing what gender I would like all my characters to be, rather than be restricted to one or the other. [*][u]Romance:[/u] Will be necessary for this specific idea - sorry! Please note I'd prefer MxF pairings. [*][u]Adults Only:[/u] This is just personal comfort. I'm in my 20s and given the romantic themes here, I'd like for my partner to also be an adult. [/list] [hider=Sample Introductory Post]Addie didn’t think she’d ever struggled so hard with staying awake before. Under the blanket of stars, the crickets in her ears (sometimes literally), and the warmth of the summer night stretched over her back…if it wasn’t so damn uncomfortable to have been laying on her stomach for so long, she was certain she would have fallen asleep. Which would have been awkward when the railyard folks inevitably find her the next morning. The night and tall, swaying grasses around her made for good cover now; but come sunrise, she was sure she’d stick out like a sore thumb. Although, she [i]had[/i] tried to dress as inconspicuously as she could. She’d [i]borrowed[/i] her Father’s dusty brown trousers, cinching it up the excess fabric around her waist with a cut of excess rope. Her Father was much taller than her though, so she’d had to fold up the bottom hems of each pantleg a couple times before they’d sit at her ankles, slightly bunched over her pair of worn leather boots, with the laces tied up in a triple knot. Over top, she’d also [i]borrowed[/i] her Dad’s also dusty white shirt – the sort with three buttons down the middle, stopping just over her chest. She’d even wrapped a strip of cloth tied around her chest, all in an effort to appear as androgynous as possible…all with the fear that one of the railyard workers might take one look at her and recognize her as Brousseau’s girl. To top it all off, she’d throw on her own, roughed up courdoroy jacket (with patches for elbows) even though it was the dead of summer and she was halfway boiling in it. After all, she might need it wherever she was going. And…just because she was paranoid, she’d pulled her long, ash-brown hair into a ponytail, and then stuffed it all inside a cap that she now had pulled low over her head. The perfect disguise, if she did say so herself. The only thing that might tip someone off as to her intentions would be the bulging, fabric sack tied to her back, two ends of it crossing over her front and securing itself by a knot at her side. All the belongings she could spare – bread, a little bit of dried fruit, and a tiny, [i]tiny[/i] scrap of cheese, and then some extra clothes and the sparse few coins she’d saved up herself. She hadn’t wanted to take too much from her family. After she’d gotten herself all ready to go earlier that night, she’d indulged herself in a quick peek at her sleeping family – her parents on their shared bed, and then her younger sister at the cot nearby, and then her grandmother on the other bed across from her own, emptied one. Everyone had been sound asleep, her father’s rumbling snores filling the cramped house, the rhythm punctuated only by the occasional snort from her grandmother. She’d left them a note explaining her disappearance, letting the paper sit on the wooden dining table, weighed down by a chipped vase of wildflowers. And then she’d turned and snuck out. The streets of Lisdee had been silent. Even the sound of her boots on the dirt paths seemed be swallowed by the night. She’d passed by Mister and Misses Laviolette’s house and saw that all their windows were dark. Further along, she passed the church, the school, the general store, the Doctor’s house…all of it silent. There’d been nothing but her and the crickets, and the half-empty farmland in between. When she’d arrived at the railyard, there’d been some activity. Right away, she’d stepped off the main pass, crouching low as she made her way quickly across the field of tall grasses. The railyard was small – consisting only of one line, and a small shack of a building. The trains only stopped here to fill up on water, and maybe hay for the livestock…but little else. There wasn’t much else that Lisdee had to offer after all, so the trains only came about once a week. She’d have to wait another week if she missed this train, and that was time she didn’t want to waste. The train was practically the only foreign thing to come into Lisdee. It was also, literally, her only ticket out of the country. There were only two men who worked the railyard. Most of the time, Addie was certain they didn’t actually [i]do[/i] anything. But she didn’t care right now. All she cared about was that they wouldn’t see her as she pressed herself down as close to the dirt as possible, willing the grass around her to keep her figure hidden. All she cared about as waiting for the last possible second – for the hiss of the steam engines to cut the night – so she could make a beeline straight for the empty-looking cart in front of her, peel back that cracked open door, and finally get her (free) ticket out of here. So when the engine finally hissed to life, Addie felt her heart leap up into her throat. For a beat, she couldn’t move. All that time spent pinning herself to the ground and, suddenly, it was like her body had forgotten how to do anything [i]but[/i]. There was hesitancy also. Homesickness already beginning to drag at her bones. But the train hissed again. She heard metal begin to rumble. It was now or never. It was that realization that finally pumped enough adrenaline through her small, short body to finally thrust her forward. Leaping up, Addie gripped on to the cloth strip binding her pack to her body with both hands, and sprinted as hard and as fast as her legs could take her. She didn’t wait to check if anybody noticed her. There was still a short distance to cover. The wind whipped at her ears, heart beat pounding in them. The train lurched forward. Oh God, oh God – it was going to leave – it was moving – slowly – faster, faster, she had to run [i]faster[/i]-! But the train was a machine. Tireless in its movements. Addie was a young woman. With short legs. By time she came within arms reach of the door handle, it was already beginning to move [i]just[/i] a little too fast for her. “A-Ahhah-!” She gasped, squinting one eye shut as she ran harder, forcing her legs to move quicker. She stretched her hand out as far as they’d go. Her fingers brushed the door handle. Almost. [i]Almost![/i] And then, by some miracle, she lurched forward and grabbed onto the door handle. Except, the door…being cracked open…wasn’t, exactly, [i]secured[/i]. Addie squeaked in surprise as the door slid open with a loud groan of metal on metal. She was still running – but only in a desperate attempt to keep from being dragged along by the train. There was a narrow strip of metal from the side of the door and the turning tracks beneath. The door shuddered. Addie thought she might die from fright. But she jumped – leapt up, hands flying up to clutch desperately onto the door handle. One boot landed right on the metal strip, stubbing her toes a bit. The other scrabbled for grip, but eventually managed to find it. The train was moving faster now – enough that she could feel a breeze on her cheek…which was what she did [i]not[/i] want to feel. The ground looked like it was rushing beneath her, but she was still…stuck. Just clinging onto the door, staring down at her feet with wide, terrified eyes. Okay, so she was on the train. Sort of. Now…how to get [i]in[/i] this thing?![/hider] [hider=Sample Typical/Average Post]Addie was still awake enough to be aware of it when she felt Nen move up onto the bed, the mattress shifting and jostling her very slightly, until he was settled down and she could sense his familiar presence right across from her. It was funny how she'd gone from having [i]essentially[/i] never sharing a bed with someone before, to now thinking that it would be strange going back to that when she got home. In fact, it was almost strange to think about going home now. Though she still missed her family and their home quite dearly, there was also sense that she didn't really want to go home yet. That she wanted to stay here in Keiste for a little longer. To continue with morning walks with Nen, and lunches out in the park, and quiet nights like this. Drawing a slow breath, Addie let it out as a quiet sigh through her nose. "Mmm, hey Nen?" she began in a low drawl, her eyes still closed as she curled up into a smaller ball, shifting her head forward a little more, the motion sending a bit of her hair to drift down, curling over her forehead and sweeping across her temple. "Remind me...to buy a sketch from you tomorrow," she went on, speaking in a slow, relaxed cadence even as her words grew softer and softer. "I'm scared this whole thing's going to feel like a dream, when I get home..." Addie paused a bit, slowly cracking open her eyes just enough to look across at him, gaze like two slivers of polished silver in the moonlight. "I don't want to forget this." She concluded in a murmur - though even she wasn't sure what she meant by 'this', if it meant the whole trip, or if it meant him.[/hider] And that's about it! If anything else crops up, I will be certain to let you know as we go along - but this is a good starting point. Now, onto the fun stuff! [center][h3]Interests[/h3][/center] I don't have any solid ideas or plots in mind, but I really love collaborating with my partner to come up with something! I've divided up my interests into two sections: General Pairings/Settings (ones I like but have no ideas about), and Vague Inclinations (pairings for which I have only some formless thoughts on). [hider=General Pairings] Pirate (or Sailor) x Merperson (or Selkie) Cryptid x Human (Soft spot for dragons, or the variety of werewolves where they get to shift into big ol' fluffy puppies) Guard x Charge Princess x Knight Fantasy Historical Childhood Friends Slow Burn (ohhh I love that sweet pain so much)[/hider] [hider=Vague Inclinations] [u]Pirate Captain/Pirate Captain[/u] The Pirates of the Caribbean/Sinbad aesthetic. Two pirate captains - possibly rivals, possibly some pretty big names - through a series of unfortunate events, get a cursed thrown onto them. A curse bad enough that their crews abandon them, and they lose everything but the clothes on their backs. The whole RP would be about them doing two things: one, getting rid of this god forsaken curse before it kills them; and two, getting Their Shit Back and Kicking Their Traitorous EX-Crew's Asses. There'll be lots of sleuthing, old magic, wily ocean creatures, some survival aspects, and good ol' fashioned swash-buckling fun! [u]Noble/Peasant[/u] A rich character who is used to the comforts of the privileged has finally done something that has made their parents finally snap. To teach their belligerent progeny a lesson, the parents send them away to live with their significantly poorer friends. These people are peasants of some sort (occupation pending) who take the character under their wing. Naturally, this family has a child round about the same age as the spoiled brat. They don't hit it off too well at first, due to a disparity of class. However, just as they were beginning to grow closer, the parents swoop in with intentions to take the rich character home and marry them off to some other noble. [/hider] Thanks for stopping by!