Dropping here to proselytize for Hikari no Ou. One ep out, but I'd say there's been nothing quite like it for at least the last year or so. Done by Studio MD too, who did Mars Red, which was a hella sublime adaptation of a stage play about vampires in the Showa era. Anyways, Hikari no Ou is like, so fucking obscure that it's been a day since its out and no one's even uploaded its baller af OP onto Youtube and it also came up too late into the season to get previewed by ANN, so what can ya do. Take half an hour out of your life to check it out. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJ8BFiCY7O8[/youtube] Also Vinland Saga S2 looks about as great as one would expect. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YNcM7J5lIE[/youtube]