[center][h3][b][color=de641d]Teddy Thompson[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/IQ9KefLJHfJPq/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47zmucl65wvm0lqsnrw3vjxrpujakf2rpf39nxjwe6&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img][hr][b][color=de641d]Location:[/color][/b] The Field (School Carnival) - Test Your Strength [b][color=de641d]Skills:[/color][/b] Ursine Physiology - Enhanced Strength, Mechanical Knowledge [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1063984384832704654/1064001563154186290/gym_teddy.jpg]~First Day Fit~[/url][hr][hr][/center] [i]In…and out.[/i] A gentle breeze tumbled over the buzzing crowd, gracefully crossing over colorful carts and sturdy stands as it stained itself with the scent of fried batter and popcorn before heading down its final approach. Blades of grass bowed in reverence of the relentless march before the breeze suddenly lifted, vaulting over the small giant and taking flight to parts unknown. The giant remained perfectly still, a gargoyle in flamingo shorts centering himself. His eyes pressed tight together as he focused on his breathing, the lively sounds of conversation and carnival joining first in tango before slowing to a steady waltz. As his eyes flutter open, the noise is little more than a dull hum. Before him was a hunk of metal that may have at one time been an early 20s Honda Odyssey by his estimate, but was now little more than a two and half ton metal pancake. He looked forward to this every year but...this year was different. He was different. And he unsure how this would go. The bearded giant inhaled again, holding his breath for another moment before exhaling slowly. He could feel eyes on him, some in anticipation, others in annoyance. He needed to just hurry up already, a sentiment echoed out loud by an impatient underclassman in the line behind him. He squatted down, keeping his back straight as his large chalked-up mitts slid under the pancake. Once more in and… Teddy Thompson lifted the crushed minivan in a steady motion first to his chest, then up above his head, holding it for a couple seconds before lowering it back to the ground. A couple murmurs of approval were shared amongst those watching. The event attendant approached Teddy, holding up two fingers and asking something Teddy hadn’t heard. He pressed his lips together before nodding in approval. The attendant waved to a pair of assistants nearby who carried over another deformed minivan together before stacking it on the first and strapping the two together. Once they were clear, the attendant gave the thumbs up, and Teddy lifted again. Again to his chest, then again up above his head. He held roughly five tons over his head for five seconds before lowering it back to the ground. More approval was heard and the attendant approached again, holding up three fingers. Teddy frowned. Something felt…off. He was able to lift it easily enough but… He didn’t have time to explore the thought as the third soccer mom pancake was stacked onto the pile and fastened together with straps. Teddy could feel the eyes again - more attentive than they had been before. The more he became aware of them, the more stomach-churning it was. He shook his head before squatting once more. As he lifted, it was clear that he was definitely putting in a significant amount of effort. His fingers pressed into the metal, denting them. His arms started to shake a bit as he passed his chest, the tree trunks he tried to pass off as legs rooted themselves firmly into the dirt. He stalled for a moment as he pushed past his chin, but ultimately he got the triple stack of soccer mom deluxes above his head, holding for five seconds before gently lowering them again. The murmurs behind him turned into shouts of encouragement, bystanders trying to spur him on to continue. The attendant approached again, asking if Teddy would like to try a fourth one. He started to decline, but a few voices behind him shouted for him not to wimp out, so what choice did he really have? Teddy reluctantly nodded as the assistants set up the Minivan Barbershop Quartet before him, strapping them down extra tight. Teddy approached and squatted, but he could tell immediately that this would be a no-go. Still, he pressed on, lifting the quartet to his knees…then his waist…then his ches- no. Something was wrong - very wrong. Teddy hadn’t even passed his waist before setting the stack back down. There was a little bit of applause, but Teddy shook the attendant’s hand before picking up his bottle of water and heading out of the clearing as the next person set up to lift. He had known that the meds would have an effect on his strength, but to this extent? The year before he could have cleared four easy- possibly even five. But now… well, it was to be expected. He had only put on two inches and a hundred pounds this year. The growth was definitely hindered - the medicine was doing its job. But at what cost? If he wanted to be a real contender for the Contest this year, that kind of strength he just displayed wasn’t going to cut it. He had to get stronger. He could maybe stop taking the meds but… Teddy shook his head. He’d decide in the morning. Stressing over it now wouldn’t help anything. It was the annual carnival - his last carnival to boot - so he might as well enjoy it. And seeing as how he had subconsciously followed his nose to the food carts, he’d enjoy it by engaging in that most sacred of traditions - America’s TRUE favorite pastime - waiting a ridiculous amount of time in an impossibly long line for some deep fried nutritional nuke that really only vaguely resembles food. It’s what the Founding Fathers would have wanted. The American Dream. Some commotion of sorts appeared to be happening further up the line, but Teddy didn’t look. Mama always said it was rude to rubberneck. [color=de641d]“Not my pig, not my farm…”[/color] he would mutter to himself as he turned his head away and waited for the line to move again. [hr][hr] [center][h3][b][color=97aaad]Phan Le Chi Mai[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/Z1ENXTzr1L9SbYKr5i/giphy.gif?cid=790b7611698e917f12877a3dc4dcf63e937ea43745920e4a&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img][hr][b][color=97aaad]Location:[/color][/b]Room 501 to the Field (School Carnival) [b][color=97aaad]Skills:[/color][/b] n/a [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1063984384832704654/1064001599313281105/mai_day_1.jpg]~First Day Fit~[/url][hr][hr][/center] It took less than half a day for Mai to encounter some of that good ol’ AA Weird Shit™ - this time coming in the form of a new roommate who got a goodie box then promptly thanked her creepy fucking doll. Needless to say, Mai was in heaven. And why wouldn’t she be? Pretty girl gave her treats and a show that morning. If that was any indication of how the year was going to go, Mai was psyched. After all, her previous roommate had gotten expelled or some shit. Lame, but what can you do? The chick was kind of a nerd and like, not the cool nerd. Oh well, whatever, it wasn’t like she’d ever have to think about Jeanne Foucault again. In any case, it was carnival day, and while the roomie was away, the goblin could play… at least, that was Mai’s original plan - spend the whole day playing video games. She had dailies to do and dammit, if she didn’t go skin those bear asses, who would? It was her sacred duty. It was also BORING when she really thought about it. After all, how many more chances would she have to put Coulson in the fish tank? Not that she had anything against him personally, the man just had a very dunkable face. When she finally decided to go out into the world and spread chaos and mischief, she needed a suitable uniform. And when that seemed like just too much of a pain in the ass, she grabbed a white tank, some comfy pants, and a pair of blue canvas shoes to wear out terrorizing the masses. Getting from her dorm to the field? Easy. Getting from the field to Coulson? Not so much. Sure, she could have just ASKED somebody - but where was the fun in that? A hunter must stalk their prey and earn the thrill of the kill…besides, she forgot to charge her phone the night before, so she couldn’t easily get in touch with anyone. And after about ten minutes of navigating through crowds of giants, Mai lost focus and sat down to get her face painted. She [i]needed[/i] to be a tiger today.