Gazes Fondly purred, and appeared to grin. “Wonderful. Let's get locked in.” Chitnarit bristled and clacked about, positively furious. There was no way she would let Gazes out of her sight, suit or no suit. “Let's make haste. The beasts will not notice either way.” [hr] While they were talking, the Rothian vessel had dropped through Psi-Helios’ atmosphere. The crew could barely feel anything. It swept high and quiet over one of the [url=]planet’s lakes[/url], almost completely camouflaged against the sky. Morgrawalai roots supped at the water and covered the landmass, from the shore up to the mountains behind. Large winged creatures slapped their wings against the water as they hunted for food. The ship whirred over to a long mountain range with innumerable outcroppings and attempted to land inside a large cave, several times larger than its own profile. Morg roots crept across the roof and walls, their colour changing as they went from outside to inside.