Hi! I'm Meri. My pronouns are he/she. I've been roleplaying for six years, and writing pretty much since I learned how. Collaborative fiction has always been a passion of mine; I'm an avid D&D player and do improvisational theatre. I've never delved into completely text-based roleplay, though, so I figured I'd give it a go! My favorite genre is high fantasy, but I also enjoy historical fiction, science fiction, urban fantasy, and anything with a good old pinch of political intrigue. I usually prefer original works. Also, if brevity is the soul of wit, I typically find myself quite lacking in spirit...concision is a skill I've yet to grasp. I'm not too picky about grammar, if my gratuitous use of commas is any indicator, but I think long-form entries would be more interesting to me than short ones. Who knows. Novelty is all about exploration! So yeah! It's lovely to be here. I look forward to writing with some of you soon!