[@Spin The Wheel], apologies for the late reply. It was a busy weekend. To expedite the process, here are the things the officer is after by approaching Mougin alone. 1. He wants to introduce himself (Officer Charles), and in doing so, learn Mougin's name. 2. He wants to apologize for the city and it's inhabitants, and in doing so, learn where Mougin's from. 3. He wants to ask where Mougin plans to rest for the night, and in doing so, tell him about the free hotels offered by the [b]CSC[/b]. 4. Finally, he wants to give Mougin his extention number, which he can use at any public telephone to reach him directly. He predicts that Mougin will run into more trouble, and while he remains in this city, Officer Charles will help ([i]if he's available[/i]).