Banshee's HUD chimed along to Kura's words, prompting her with stored tactical data and supplemented by pulling a feed from the Holo. Her display synced to the holographic projection of the command room and gave her a much more personal interface with the image. She moved a hand lazily at her waist, spinning the planet within the confines of her HUD and gazing at it with a critical eye. "Dedrite, eh?" She mused aloud. "For a fifth of a [i]Qinta[/i] each. I'm presuming you get the tenth share, Captain?" Her voice was coy even as she spun the planet-projection and scanned its informational readout. "I can't complain; first job, new crew, it's bound to be a clusterfuck. Let's make it happen people." With those words she pushed forward and did a two-step jig to stretch her legs. Her boots clanged upon the ground before she regained the dexterity she displayed entering the room, and she turns away from the crew. One hand raised itself in farewell and she left the room as she cut her Holo-connection to the command table. "This isn't my first desert op. I'll suit up for [i]Zwuthop[/i]-" [Contextual Translation: Lethal Predator] "-And be ready in ten. I'll try to keep you all from getting eaten." As she went to prepare, her mind returned to now-distant memories of rebellions, dunes, and wily desert nomads. Thank the stars her suit could regulate its temperature.