The Imperial Command Center was a hive of frantic movement and shouted orders. The room had dozens of screens, all showing the city of Theed in chaos. The populace of the once oppressed city had risen up against their Imperial overlords, attacking barricades and checkpoints with blasters, blades and the very stones off the ground. "Sir," said one frazzled tech to his superior. "The Emperor's shuttle is fueled and ready to depart." "Any word from the Death Star?" "They've ignored all our hails, sir." "What the hell is going on up there?" said the officer before another security tech chimed in. "Sir, squads four and five have engaged Target Alpha and are pushing him towards the Royal Tombs as ordered." "Good. Lord Vader will be pleased." said the officer. His commlink chimed and he quickly answered the call. "New order from the Emperor. Terminate the hostages." he said coldly before continuing with his buisness. -------- "Kijani, what is it?" Eskel said, reaching out to her. When the door opened behind him, Eskel turned to see a squad of Stormtroopers leveling their blasters at the three of them. Eskel screamed and tried to push Kijani down with him before the bolts began to fly.