The bear nodded, then set to work. Despite her bravado, she was hurt worse than she looked. The armor had protected most of her body from some kind if searing heat flash, and had taken the brunt of numerous tiny impacts. Tiny bits of earthenware shard prickled from the breastplate's surface, and tiny bits lingered below the skin on her face, neck and ears. Those were easy enough to fix.. the bigger worry was deeper, as if some impressive hand had slapped her very hard all over her body at once. There were blunt force injuries inside her skull, inside her chest, all through her arms and legs. Whatever had struck her, he was glad it only hit her once. "[color=7bcdc8]Ya piss sum wizz'rd off er summat?[/color]" He gruffed, guiding bits of debris out of her face with a healer's touch. "[color=7bcdc8]Don' smell li' magic dou...[/color] " He paused a minute to marvel at her. "[color=7bcdc8]Wha' hit ya? Ain't ne'er smelled da likes. Mebbe summat I should look ou' fer?[/color]"