The elf frowned, the struggle to understand the Druid's words was so real she wondered how they could manage to communicate so far. "Put your clothes back on," she answered, as a matter of fact. [color=ec008c]"You made a fair point. But this is how the entire operation will be played out anyway. If I have more freedom to choose, we should return, bring reinforcement and dabble in a blatant show of force so the Baron has no choice but to kneel before the might of Kindeance army."[/color] Jazdia shrugged and intentionally made eye contact with Matilda. [color=ec008c]"But we don't have that luxury, and the King, Fred demanded to have his boy rescued in four days no thanks to our Golem Friend. [/color] [color=ec008c]We will get inside, come hell or high water. Traitorous as they might be, I don't think they will be stupid enough to throw us in a hole from the get-go. That's where I am putting my bets on; if they harm Matilda, Fred will come for them, and with the bridge destroyed, I doubt they would be able to make a tactical retreat anytime sooner. Which will leave them with the option to remain in their castle and endure a total siege. This is not a foolproof plan, indeed. The enemy might know some of us, or not at all. It is a gamble, but one that still has room to compensate should we lose the bet. The enemy is not as resourceful as their impressive magical barrier suggests. If they do, they should have sent their cavalry to hunt us down the moment Matilda triggered the trap." [/color]