[@Pyromania99] An elevator or pulley system was so…[i]basic[/i] though. How could anyone not know them. Such words though, never left Yuisa’s throat as the elevator began to free fall from its cables snapping, its age having finally gotten the best of it. “H-hey put me down!” Yuisa shouted as the demon scooped her up in her arms, intending to use her fire abilities to help slow her descent…well, it certainly was a good idea in practice, though perhaps she should practice doing something a bit more before putting it into use. As she leaped from the quickly descending elevator, accurately controlling her descent while also holding onto something proved a bit trickier then it seemed. She’d end up slowing her descent, but it didn’t help Yuisa certainly wasn’t being cooperative, trying to wiggle free of Vammy’s grasp…and ultimately tipping her over and sending the both slamming into the ground from a few feet up. Conveniently, and likely to the demons amusement, she’d end up face planting into Yuisa’s chest. “Get…offf…” She’d complain. They were in the deepest part of this prison it seemed. Was it some sort of workshop? The stone golems seemed to be made here, and there were so many old storage shelves, boxes, and unidentifiable tools… A small creature, wrapped in an orange coat of some sort, with what seemed to be a cheshire grin, but with no eyes and a large set of rabbit like ears atop its head. In one of its four fingered grasp, was a book of some sort. A bow was strapped to its back as were several arrows. Spindly appendages that ended in sharp points served as its feet, making it seem as though it was walking on stilts, but it seemed to have no problem moving even though it was barely two feet tall. It seemed briefly startled by the pair's appearance, and wasted no time in running down a large side hallway. Not that they had to pursue it…they had a task to find something, after all. [hider=Current Happenings] The goddess has an odd shaped device that is spewing fire and burning down a garden. Current location: Old prison Time: afternoon Current Objective: Find the contraption the God Iva mentioned [hr] Potential Events: [list] [*] [/list] [/hider] [hr] [@Crusader Lord] [hr] “...eh, what’s with that lukewarm response?” The yaga frowned, placing a hand on her hip and flicking the Mothraki’s forehead with a finger. “Do you wanna help me find it or not?” She’d ask, having hopefully gotten her attention. “Like I said, anyone that found it would be a pretty big deal around here and I wanna find it.” She’d assert again. “And I thought you’d be into it too, since ya seemed like ya know a lot about this stuff. Got any ideas?” [hider=Current Happenings] [i]The balls bounce around, rolling and bouncing around the box…and smack the goddess in the back of the head while she was apparently enjoying tea with someone. SHe angrily looked back at Nylah.[/i] Current location: Yaga Village Time: Morning [hr] Potential Events: [list] [*] [*] [/list] [/hider] [hr] [@crimson Paladin][@Click This] [hr] “No.” The Yaga replied quickly, without even thinking about it. “Aside from the fact I would never ask her for help in the first place as I can handle myself, if she did refuse to help...well...then she has merely deemed by time in the mortal realm has come to an end and my penance served.” her voice grew quiet, a small, wistful smile forming on her lips. For once, her expression softened as she’d glance away from Novak. “Do not misunderstand. This is not blind devotion, but merely me accepting and understanding my past crimes and wishing to make them right.” She’d go back to what was apparent cooking as Lissa would state her piece. Overall, she didn’t seem overly interested in the arguments presented. There was no personal reason for the goddess to get involved in this petty squabble, and as far as she was concerned this was just the nature and course of things. “Then why don’t you solve this yourself?” The Yaga questioned Lissa. “If you’re aware of this, then you already have the knowledge and power you need to do something about it. Why do we need to get involved? What would you have us do, anyways?” She’d place a bowl of now ground up herbs on the table. “But fine, whatever. I can see both of you are serious about this. I do not believe your arguments warrant much merit, but I will see that she hears them and they are judged fairly. Tomorrow night. Come back tomorrow night and you’ll have your answer, right at sundown. In the twilight hours. If you’re even ten minutes late I’m assuming you’ve decided to forgo this foolish endeavor.” [hider=Current Happenings] [i]A maid with a purple blindfold and a broom suddenly shows up in the dialogue box. The Moon goddess, startled, runs away while the broom wielding maid chases her.[/i] Current location: Northern Snowfields Time: Morning [hr] Potential Events: [list] [*] [*] [/list] [/hider] [@Cu Chulainn] [hr] The hunters greeted Gideon with apparent friendliness, most were eager to hear of this Raam sage that had come to their village and had also already helped them more than once. They’d listen to his words with some curiosity, and when allowed they’d start informing him of some more beasts that live in the area - notably in the deep forest and in the snow fields beyond the forest. The former, was full of all manner of mysterious and nasty creatures, it seemed. Only the most skilled hunters went there and even then, most would prefer never stepping foot there, aside from Maira who was still missing. Grove Bears, things a particularly aggressive form of rabbits, and a number of other more curious beasts though they also mentioned that most animals living there had the protection of the Kyrnith, it seemed. The snowfields, though, were a different story altogether. Aside from being where the Elder Beast that caused all this snow and ice were currently resting, it was fairly dangerous already. Snow Wraiths, occasionally some raiders, and other mysterious and large creatures that called desolate, uninhabited snowy places home. After all this talk of business though, some of the hunters were starting to get a little bored. “They say you traveled all over, right Raam?” He’d ask. “You must’ve seen and hunted lots of beasts out there. Got any stories?” [hider=Current Happenings] [i]The moon goddess yawns, taking her haul of wood back towards a cabin in the distance…only to not look where she was going, and fall down a canyon. Thankfully, she respawned some distance away from her dropped loot.[/i] Current location: Dawn Time: Morning [hr] Potential Events: [list] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [/hider]