Fenna watched as everyone gathered, still trying to process what had happened. When someone - was he carrying an anchor? - addressed her with the question if she knew what was going on, all she could do was say was that she didn't. They all didn't belong here, that was beyond a doubt. The way the villages gaped at them, some with surprise and others with distrust. Her attention was caught by the commotion in the destroyed house and she watched the woman with a broom attacking someone. She couldn't really blame the woman, as she had lost her house, but it was not their fault these stone boxes were here. How had she gotten here? She didn't even remember getting into one of these; she had been at home and then here... wherever here was. A younger woman with a crossbow approached them and she explained she had been on a plane before. The following question was one she couldn't answer. What country was this? What world was this? She was about to say something when guards approached them and the leader asked what the meaning of this was. How could she even begin to answer that question? As the guardsmen formed a half-circle around them with weapons drawn, she contemplated the best course of action. Would he even believe the truth? It was worth a shot - figuratively speaking, of course, she had no intention to fire her bow, that would only make her actually seem dangerous. "I don't know what you want to arrest us for, sir,' she said. "I, and I assume the others too, just woke up here. I don't know how I got here."