[b]Everyone:[/b] [b]Channel: Main[/b] [b]NeonCzolgoz:[/b] so i’ve just been like [b]NeonCzolgoz: [/b]reading the classics a bit [b]NumbToNothing:[/b] look at this dumb fuck reading [b]NumbToNothing: [/b]gay [b]NeonCzolgoz: [/b]dumber and gayer than you could possibly imagine [b]NeonCzolgoz: [/b]and I know what you can imagine so that’s really saying something [b]NumbToNothing: [/b]owo [b]NeonCzolgoz:[/b] anyway I was reading The Ones who Walk Away from Omelas by the woman who came up with the ‘lathe of heaven’ thing, LeGuin? [b]NeonCzolgoz:[/b] picture a perfect utopia. All the food’s amazing and people fuck in the streets whenever they want. Total equality, everyone’s happy, and everyone knows being happy rules [b]NeonCzolgoz: [/b]but at the middle of the city there’s a suffering kid [b]NeonCzolgoz: [/b]its got rashes from being soaked in its own shit for so long, all it knows is pain, it is the saddest possible kid you could imagine [b]NeonCzolgoz: [/b]and it’s locked up in a room forever, to suffer like that [b]NeonCzolgoz: [/b]because it needs to for the city to work [b]NeonCzolgoz: [/b]let’s say because of magic or some shit, how that’s true isn’t important, just that it is [b]NeonCzolgoz: [/b]and everyone on their eighteenth birthday learns about it [b]NeonCzolgoz: [/b]and most of them choose to stay in utopia, thinks it’s worth it [b]NeonCzolgoz: [/b]but some leave. Nobody knows what’s outside omelas, nobody knows what happens to the people who leave, just that none of ‘em come back. [b]NeonCzolgoz: [/b]so here’s my question [b]NeonCzolgoz: [/b]do you stay or leave Omelas [b]NumbToNothing:[/b] oh shit [b]NumbToNothing:[/b] leave I guess [b]NumbToNothing: [/b]or uh [b]NumbToNothing: [/b]maybe stay? [b]NumbToNothing: [/b]maybe if I’d been born there I’d leave [b]NumbToNothing:[/b] but like if you put me there now, and told me I had to come back to this shit [b]NumbToNothing: [/b]I don’t think I’d be able to walk you know [b]NeonCzolgoz: [/b]yeah I’m fucking staying [b]NeonCzolgoz: [/b]fwiw [b]NeonCzolgoz: [/b]that shit sucks but like [b]NeonCzolgoz: [/b]i know what I already live with, and I just get mad about it, but like [b]NeonCzolgoz: [/b]better one kid suffering for a reason then a generation of kids being brought up by miserable parents suffering for none [b]JuntaSThompson: [/b]I don’t know. [b]JuntaSThompson: [/b]It feels like that suffering for no reason is different than knowing someone’s suffering as a price? [b]JuntaSThompson: [/b]In saying that, then if you know you could have utopia if one kid suffers a lot, then all that suffering for the world being as it is becomes the reason instead [b]JuntaSThompson: [/b]Is it worth keeping the world as it is just to prevent the suffering of one kid [b]JuntaSThompson: [/b]I wouldn’t break Omelas [b]JuntaSThompson: [/b]Not sure that means I could live with knowing either [b]ProvocativelyFickle: [/b]I walk [b]JuntaSThompson: [/b]Yeah? [b]NeonCzolgoz: [/b]why’s that? [b]ProvocativelyFickle: [/b]Couldn’t say. I just would though. [b]JuntaSThompson: [/b]Fair enough, I guess.