[hr][@myinneroblivion] [@ShadowsofNight] [hr] "Aww...I thought it was a pretty good idea." Manny said with a crestfallen look on his face but it was more than obvious that both Bob and Talia were not keen on the plan he devised. Man...he really hoped that the Curtain Call accepted re-funds. "But I understand, to be honest I was scared to do something criminal. Like what if Talia's parents were secretly maser kung-fu masters and just flat out kicked my and the actors' collective butts. Or worse, the police get involved..." He'd rather eat a bag of moldy bread than become a real villain to be honest. Which is unsurprising considering the man dreamed of being a hero since forever. Manny begins to fix his laptop and projector while fiddling with his smartphone to contact the amateur acting troupe and hoping that he could still get at least 50% of his money back. "If you guys want to make other suggestions, other than working our reputation before Talia's parents arrive, I'm open."