[@UnWorthy28] I imagine someone who wants control over their life would not take too kindly to being given orders from above. They'll want power, and the freedom to wield that power. Yddrog appears to offer that, but what his servants will eventually find is that he's a tyrant. He wants what he wants, and he doesn't care what anyone else thinks about it; he just takes it. Those under his thrall will find themselves forced to do his bidding on pain of death. Regret, meanwhile, isn't interested in controlling people. She just wants to live her life in peace, happily, and without regrets pulling her down. So her beneficiaries can often take full control over their lives under her patronage. The main limitation is that they will share her inclinations and feelings about the value of sentient lives, but that can be negotiable to some extent. Thus, while a character who desires control over their life may at first enjoy the power Yddrog offers, they will eventually find themselves inexorably drawn to Regret. Now, I like that kind of story arc, and would recommend pursuing it if you like it too. My point is that it's not likely to take you down a road that antagonizes both patrons. If fighting them both is a high priority for you, then I would recommend a different motivation for the character, as it currently lends itself better to definitive allegiance.