So, to give a minor update on my end, I seem to have struck an accord with My Friend. He's constantly craving stimulation to test his AI art-bot prompting and manipulation, and I happen to be running a fantasy themed anime roleplay that's going to need a bestiary and character portfolios. It seemingly just clicked that we happened to line up these interests; so, for as long as he's willing to deal with my nonsense, I'll be feeding him character descriptions, personalities, and creature descriptions. He's happy to churn out artwork for me to use for this game, seemingly. So far I've uploaded images for Freyja Hoar, Weasel Bilica, and Odaya Bilica, because they're the most relevant of the NPCs at the moment. Some NPCs will remain with written descriptions, but others will feature art by My Friend whenever he's willing to do so. If there ever comes a time where he needs/wants to stop providing for me, I will return to traditional methods of acquiring playbys and character images. If anyone has qualms about AI art, I apologize, but it's important to my friend and he wants to practice and learn more about the frontier of its development, so I will be featuring as much of it as he's willing to share with me.