Hello! I am a pen. And what do pens do? We write, of course! In all seriousness, I was on this old site a long time ago, then life got in the way. But now, with more time on my hands and a renewed passion for writing, I thought I'd find myself a place to bring some ideas to life! I like writing, and I want to indulge it with others who feel the same! My head's been full to bursting with new and wild ideas that I'd very much like to try, and what better place to explore that than somewhere that's dedicated to writing? A bit about me: I've been roleplaying for nearly 16 years now! It's my number one hobby, no contest. I've definitely come a long way, and I'm proud to say that I've become a very capable RPer in my own write! (I also do a lot of puns, if you hadn't noticed. Hee hee~) In terms of Guild here, I'd rank myself as Advanced, though I'm flexible and comfortable with all kinds of styles and lengths! I specialize in 1 on 1 stories, but groups and even DM work are all well within my forte. Honestly, I don't really know what else to say here. I love writing, and I hope to share that passion with you who feel the same! I look forward to our future works together, whatever direction they might take!