[h3]Polina Laye[/h3][i]Farisian Maid[/i] [hr] Somehow, they all made it out intact, and not missing any limbs, extremities, or other human body parts. Conveniently, the same could not be said of any of the demons that might have otherwise still been in pursuit of Polina and the other two maids. It certainly had been a close call, though, and even she had to let out a breath of relief as she stopped to catch her breath once they were a safe distance from the still collapsing theater. What a waste of a grand old building. [b]“You got lucky,”[/b] she shrugged. Really, the pink-haired maid should have bailed long before her rescuers showed up. Polina produced yet another silk bag of macarons and passed it over to the injured maid after she checked to see how her young charge was doing. Had she never eaten her own bag of sweets? [b]“Here. Don’t eat it all at once or you’ll get a stomach ache,”[/b] she advised.