When the servant returned to the tower to inform his master, Jazdia let out a heavy sigh. Yeah, she knew how she looked like, entering their domain like nobody's business, inordinately flinging Fred's seal to gain entry, all while being a complete nobody in this realm's geopolitical chart. And likewise, except for the bare-bones information about his terrible financial acumen, she knew nothing about this Baron. Kindeance had been a conflict-free country for a century, and in such a peaceful state, the profiles of its dignitaries were often overlooked save for those at the top. That was one of the reasons why Jazdia thought it would be a great idea to invest in their hospitality business. Now such Tacid assessment had been turned upside down, naturally. Who would be willing to spend their time in a hotel located in a country where its King was assassinated on his doorstep and its prince kidnapped? Maintaining her bearing, it would be best to just get on with the flow. But before they meet this Baron, Jazdia activated her eyes and scanned her surroundings. Should have done this the moment they walked into this place, but that would betray the neutral, yet still hospitable reception. The tower was still covered with a magical curtain, but the gap was more apparent here compared to when she viewed it from the faraway treelines. She will deal with it later, after she was done with nearby houses, unknown alleys, and the high rampart behind her. [i]What did she see? [/i]