Yellow: On one level, the question of Olmeas is about perfection. At what point do things become good enough that you check out of progressive politics and become a defender of the status quo? At what point are the improvements so many or the alternatives so much worse that change of any kind becomes an unacceptable risk? Yellow: That's why Numb said he'd leave if he was born there and not if he came there now. Yellow: It's an example of a reductio ad absurdum philosophical technique designed to see if you'll bite the bullet and say that anything short of a perfect world is not acceptable. Yellow: ✿But~!✿ Yellow: What is to [i]you fuckers[/i] is a power fantasy. Yellow: Imagine not only being able to absorb all the sin of this earth and protect everyone you care about... Yellow: ... while also being so well known, publicized and sympathetic that not only does everyone hear about you, but some percentage of them reject utopia out of solidarity with you and your ideals. Yellow: You're not talking about this because you want the vague speculative guilt of knowing you're hypothetically capable of selling out one day. Yellow: You're talking about this because you'd sacrifice it all for less than a fraction of what the kid's suffering buys. Yellow: ✿^^✿ What I'd like you to consider is to what degree you are able to sacrifice those ideals and treat yourself kindly if it's what makes your friends happy. Yellow: Obviously not [i]entirely[/i], but if you'd go in the Box for strangers, you can eat something more nutritionally balanced than instant ramen for your fellow martyrs.