"Invisibility has run its course," said Solarel to her new household. She had gathered them together in order to discuss the coming battles and her strategy for them, and the modifications that would need to be made. "It is now a known quantity," she went on. "It can be adapted to, countered and thwarted. Paired with the way that I have operated the Bezorel I expect that my opponents will over-optimize for sensor coverage and defensive play in battles ahead. If I maintain my current approach I will become a solved quantity. I could get ever further into layered mind games but that path has an inevitable termination point. I need to reorient around fundamentals. In particular, I want to focus on optimizations to long ranged accuracy and firepower. My primary weapon is powerful but unacceptably long in its recharging cycles, I want weapons with high rate of fire and low power draw to pin opponents between cannon shots." "Secondly," she said. "I want to add combat drones to my toolkit. Observation, harassment, utility features that won't slow the Kathresis down when in motion. I need to start making heavy use of them now to build familiarity. These changes will significantly change the strategic weight class of the Kathresis and interfere with the stealth functionality. This is fine, I want it as a spice rather than a primary combat arm. I want to pair overwhelming long range fire power with the ability to cloak and rapidly reposition when confronted." Unspoken: No attack had as much psychological impact on Mirror as the sniper shot to the cockpit. That was the biggest crack in Mirror's armour she'd been able to find. That was the foundation for her new strategy of war, far more than any vision of her own strengths.