The umbrella snaps open. The demon summoning circle painted upon its surface spins. Fengye whirls it up and around, then crackling down into the dirt. A horse. A horse. Heaven's realm for a horse. A thunderclap of emerald sorcery echoes as a beast from a nightmare, upon hooves as swift and silent as the void wind, leaps through the portal that her umbrella had become. As soon as it does so she is hooking herself onto its back and urging it into a gallop in pursuit of the mud monster. She does not know what this is, where it came from, what it thinks, who is watching. It took her maid. Hers! Right when she had finally gotten her right where she wanted her, it had -! Her umbrella is like a lance as she gallops in pursuit. She seeks to get close, get around ahead, force it to stop or failing that she will snap open the umbrella again and call forth more and worse. In this moment she does not think; she is in service to desire, and for it all the walls of heaven and earth will come crumbling down.