[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221224/3c1badf8c79345e42262edcb8df3f844.png[/img] [sub][color=gray]The First Chapter! A New World?[/color][/sub] [hr][/center] [indent]“Not a problem at all.” After moving upstairs Mako would find the three rooms all with the number they represented on each individual door. As someone who picked room three, it was naturally the room furthest in the back, away from the stairwell. A singular bed, cabinet, and table would occupy the room inside with a curtained window sitting parallel to the door itself. Through the windowpane one could see the bulk of the small town, though as late it was getting making out much would prove to be difficult. In a world without electricity the only thing that illuminated was the glow of a lantern or the stars themselves. It would take getting used to, especially for someone who was used to the amenities of a city. The sights of Tokyo would forever be etched in memory. As she attempted to settle in for the night then came a voice out of nowhere, like a gunshot. [color=EF2F3F]“You're still alive. That's good.”[/color] [/indent]