[@PerfectThought] Hey, thanks very much! We are still accepting new characters, yes. Heavily augmented Humans are permissible; Earth and her colonies have no unified rules on that front. You could have specialised brain functions, limbs, sensory equipment and more. It would be relatively expensive, so tour character would need to have a reason for their gear. AI of a sort also exists, but not the fully sentient, independent kind you might be thinking of. AI is controlled more tightly by Humans who fear anything which could end up being a more perfect version of them. A perfect AI is also very expensive to create and host, so you wouldn't necessarily have mobile versions, especially not hanging around at Spaceports. In the context of this roleplay, I think the most plausible AI character you could create would be the ship we're riding in itself! You could present as a hologram on the Bridge and control servile droids that do a lot of the work in the service areas. You could potentially leave the ship and move around as long as the signal reaches.