Fenna let out a sigh, of course the leader of the guards didn't believe her explanation. Would she if she was in his place? Nothing of what they said made it even better and her hands slowly moved to one of her daggers in case she'd need to defend herself. Would she let them arrest her? Or was it better to attempt to flee? The glow that appeared around them was curious, but not more than waking up in a strange world like this. Things suddenly changed when an enemy approached and now the leader requested their help. Of course, with all their weapons they looked capable, but was she? Could she really help in a battle with unknown enemies, with a weapon she never even used before? She glanced to the brown-haired man when he mentioned that if this was real they should do the right ting and help these people, but that they also should stay close and that they'd need to work together. This sentiment was shared with the woman who carried a crossbow. That made sense and she nodded. They had to help them. These people didn't seem like the bad guys. Especially the frightened children. "I'll join you at the gate as soon as I can," she said. "I'll make sure no-one is left behind and that their path ahead is clear." The first people were already going westward, and she directed some people who left their houses after the sound of the bell in the same direction, urging them to make haste. She started checking the houses on the east side of the village to see if everyone had started to evacuate. In one she found a young woman packing clothes and some valuables. "Don't take too much," she urged the woman. "It will only slow you down. Put some food in a blanket, grab your child and go to the west." The young mother, at the brink of tears, nodded and did what she said.