[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221224/c1f06a4b66cc2f37077542245b490e14.png[/img][/Center] [Right]Route 29[/Right][hr] Isaac glanced over at the young boy. [color=eebc27]"I do. But don't worry, I've got a plan. Falkner isn't as strong as you might think, and Sprout Tower isn't that big of a hassle. There's a cave just outside of Violet City I plan on taking advantage of. There's a few rare pokemon there that should prove useful. And yes, we'll be resting in Cherrygrove, getting stranded in the middle of a route at night is a good way to get hopelessly lost. That, and the vampires."[/color] Isaac raised his eyebrows jokingly at his last statement. Though there was that one time with that Golbat... Isaac continued on, dismissing the thought. There was one last grassy stretch of road beside a small ledge. The color of many of the trees in the distance began to change from green to pink, signaling their destination was close. Isaac pointed up to the ledge. [color=eebc27]"There's an apricorn tree or two up there, if you're into collecting those. You can make Pokéballs with them if you know what you're doing. I know I guy in Azalea who might be make them for you."[/color] Isaac's eyes scanned the surrounding area. It was more of the same at this point. Rattata, Sentret, the occasional Hoppip, the usual suspects. Isaac, however, was looking for other details. Things that might betray the presence of a hidden pokemon, or might lead to hidden areas. For the first few moments, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, until he spotted a nearby tree, with black soot around its base. He held up his hand by his side, to signal the others to stop. [color=eebc27]"Hold it. Look there."[/color] Isaac crouched down into a catcher's squat and pointed out the charred tree base. [color=eebc27]"See that? That's from something being burnt. That typically only happens from fire or electric types. And considering there are no known fire types around here, well, except for Kick here,"[/color] He looked over at Kick, who was on a knee beside him. [color=eebc27]"I think we're in Shinx territory. Watch your step, or you [i]will[/i] get hurt."[/color] He then pointed to a nearby patch of pink trees. [color=eebc27]"Cherrygrove is nearby. We can always come back later after we're more prepared. It's up to you."[/color] He stood back up, dusting himself off, looking back at the two young trainers. [color=eebc27]"So what's the plan kiddos?"[/color]