[hr][hr] [center][color=7FFFD4][h1]Madalyne Crane[/h1][/color] [img]https://c.tenor.com/edUXvD6nQ40AAAAC/hope-mikaelson-cat-ears.gif[/img] [I]Location: Avenger's Academy, Fairgrounds [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1063984384832704654/1063985546298404884/e5ac6e7ba78293dc04be0e8ea17cb2e5.png]First Day Fit[/url] Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Mads was at the front of the line now, peering into a small purple tent. As cliché as it was, the tent was [i]far[/i] bigger on the inside than the outside. It was illuminated entirely by floating orbs containing well-loved candles, almost melted down to their bases. On a ruby red throw cushion, embroidered with images of long forgotten deities, Professor Harkness' cat, Ebony, napped peacefully. Professor Harkness herself - well, [i]ex[/i] Professor Harkness, as she no longer taught at Avengers Academy after receiving a better offer from Strange Academy - sat at a small table. Tarot cards and runes and crystals covered it, and incense burned, while Agatha's crystal ball floated somewhat aimlessly in the air. "Madalyne, dear, come on in - let these weary old eyes see you once more," Agatha called out, beckoning with a withered hand for Madalyne to enter. Agatha had been the magic teacher at Avengers Academy since its founding - leaving hadn't been a decision she had made lightly. Coming face to face with her prize pupil didn't make it any easier. Madalyne watched as the student before had left she stepped into Agatha's tent, she took a moment to look around the room, she always did like Agatha's classes whenever she was there, it was sad that she was leaving and heading over to Strange Academy now. [color=7FFFD4]"Hi there Professor Harkness, how are you doing?"[/color] Madalyne asked as she went over to gently pet Ebony who was still sleeping rather peacefully. "Surely that can't be the question that brought you to my tent today, hmm?" Agatha replied somewhat playfully, dodging the question. Ebony continued to sleep on. They were rather used to Madalyne's company, as Agatha's familiar went wherever she did. "Come, sit - let us discuss [i]your future[/i]." Agatha snapped her fingers and the entrance to the tent closed, allowing the two of them privacy. Madalyne giggled slightly and nodded. [color=7FFFD4]"Thats true that wasn't my actual question."[/color] She said as Madalyne made her way over and sat down across from Agatha. She started to think a little bit about what she wanted to know what was in store for her, meeting Agatha's gaze once more as she came up with her question. [color=7FFFD4]"I guess my question is what will the rest of the year look like for me?"[/color] Agatha nodded, waving her hands over the table. The tarot cards began to shuffle themselves, the crystals and runes hurrying to scurry out of the way. Ordinarily, Agatha would've done a more structured draw - but right now, for whatever reason, she felt like going for a more loose structure to the reading. Three cards jumped out of the deck, face down. A smirk graced Agatha's face, as the first card turned itself over - [url=https://www.alittlesparkofjoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/seven-of-cups-tarot-card.jpg]the Seven of Cups[/url]. "I would expect no less for a promising young witch like you," Agatha commented, before the next card flipped over. It was [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/db/RWS_Tarot_17_Star.jpg]the Star, Reversed[/url]. Agatha's smirk turned into a frown. But such things were to be expected in the life of a teenager - Madalyne would face challenges, one way or another. The last card turned over and a sense of calm and pride came over Agatha - [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/23/Swords05.jpg]the Five of Swords, reversed[/url]. "Were I still your professor, I would ask for your interpretation first, child," Agatha chided slightly. "But not today. As you should intuit, there are many choices ahead of you - opportunities, risks, challenges, some good, and some bad. You may struggle with self doubt, overwhelmed and feeling as if you are drowning. I suspect this will cause strife in your relationships, perhaps even fracture them if you allow it... Yet I see a clear path for you - a reconciliation, of your spirit and your soul. This will be a year of turmoil and change for you, Madalyne - weather the storm. Know your course." Madalyne leaned forward as she watched the cards moved in front of her as Agatha set the three cards down in front of her, she stared at the cards for a moment. She smiled slightly, she thought about giving her own interpretations on what were on the cards but she wanted to hear them from her former teacher. She was certainly going to have a tough year and a lot of changes as well to then which will be interesting, as she started to think about her next question. [color=7FFFD4]"How will I know that I have found my soulmate?"[/color] Madalyne asked, she had quiet a few friends at school but she hadn't found anyone yet really. "Do you believe in soulmates, Madalyne?" Agatha asked, somewhat amused. There was something about Madalyne that she did not say, as she believed the girl deserved to discover it in her own time. The cards shuffled and flew through the air, before one popped up in particular, almost hitting Mads' in the face - [url=https://www.alittlesparkofjoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/eight-of-cups-tarot-card.jpg]the Eight of Cups[/url]. The Cups suit dealt with one's emotional life, but this card carried a different message, Agatha suspected, than Madalyne would wish to hear. "This is a card of sadness and separation," Agatha said. "Only once you leave behind what no longer does you good will you find what you are looking for." She paused, before waving her hand. A sealed red envelope, with the seal of the Sorcerer Supreme, appeared in front of Madalyne. It had her name on it, inscribed in runes. "There is a place for you at Strange Academy, among your fellow witches, if you would take it." Madalyne smiled at Agatha and nodded towards her. [color=7FFFD4]"Yes I do believe in soulmates, theres always someone out there."[/color] She said as another card was pulled out and landed on the ground she nodded as her teacher spoke. When a red envelope appeared in front of her, seeing her name written in runes on it, she met Agatha's gaze and gave her a slight smile. She had thought about applying to Strange Academy a few times even her mother mentioned it a few times as well to. But then that would mean that she would leave her friend's behind here to go there, which she didn't want to just yet. [color=7FFFD4]"Thank you for the invitation and i'll definitely think about it."[/color] Madalyne said. "Think about your future, dear," Agatha recommended, before snapping her fingers and one last thing appeared in front of Madalyne. "It used to be tradition that your first set of tarot cards had to be gifted - although I doubt this would be your first." There was a small black box with strange occult symbols painted onto it. Inside, there was a deck of tarot cards, the edges of the cards made from gold. [color=7FFFD4]"I will, and thank you Professor Harkness."[/color] Madalyne said giving her former teacher a smile, as she looked down seeing small black box with occult symbols appearing in front of her. She took a moment to open it seeing a set of tarot cards inside of it and smiled even more, she had a set back home when she turned ten given to her by her mother but she had forgotten them back home. [color=7FFFD4]"Thank you so much i'll treasure them forever."[/color] Madalyne said as she got up and gave her a quick hug, she was going to keep them very close to her. [color=7FFFD4]"I'll see you again someday."[/color] She told her as she turned and headed out of the tent, she took a moment to think about where to go next and decided to go and check out the other students who tried their hand at trying to lift up Mjölnir. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=32CD32]Diana Novikova[/color][/h1] [img]https://c.tenor.com/YyngCNnxgcwAAAAC/mia-smoak-queen-william-clayton-queen.gif[/img] [i]Location: Avenger's Academy, Fairgrounds [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1063984384832704654/1063985546600390686/katherine-mcnamara-woke-up-first-california-earthquake-09.png]First Day Fit[/url] Skills: N/A[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Diana turned to look at her brother, she could understand him being really mad after being set on fire and having his school outfit completely ruined. [color=32CD32]"Успокойся, братишка, это был всего лишь несчастный случай."[/color] Diana said to Percy in Russian, she learned it growing up through her mother and spoke it from time to time. Diana turned her attention towards Danny who was also understanbly upset as well to. [color=32CD32]"It's okay I was only teasing, powers tend to be finicky at times."[/color] Diana told Danny, she looked over at Leah for a moment, and gave her a slight nod. [color=32CD32]"Yeah Percy is my lil bro."[/color] She didn't like Leah all that much since she always got the feeling that the girl hated her for some reason as well to. Diana watched Dorian disappear in front of her, and then her brother suddenly freaking out before disappearing from sight with his powers, and then reappearing again. Dorian and Danny were clearly the chaotic duo of the entire school it seems but Diana didn't say anything about it, her attention quickly turned to April. [color=32CD32]"How was your summer April and wheres Zelda?"[/color] Diana asked her friend, as she nabbed one of the candy bars that Dorian took, she hadn't seen her yet really at all and knew that it was her first year at school here as well to.