”Are you[b] INSANE[/b]?!” Ghent spun to face Elayra, angered and dismayed by her resistance. He didn't have time to argue with her, yet here they were, butting heads for the umpteenth time. “You can’t stay here, especially not with…” he recoiled, gasping. Like something out of a horror movie, Drust appeared behind Elayra. An annoyingly familiar yank on his hood caused Ghent to topple backward. He landed opposite Elayra, groaning. They had one chance to escape, and that chance had been ripped away the second the Knight regained his footing. Muzzled once more, a new wave of terror crashed over Ghent. Due to Drust's hand, he couldn't summon a focus word if he wanted to. He found himself tensing in anticipation, his body still sore from being slammed against the wall. Contrary to what was expected, Drust didn’t lash out physically...but not because of self-restraint. Trembling like a victim of frostbite, Ghent followed Drust's gaze. A series of garbled voices flooded the alleyway, the source yet to be seen. It was difficult to determine how many voices there were, or [b]where[/b] they were coming from, but there was definitely more than one speaker, which meant there was more than one set of eyes to avoid. [i]Keep your eyes hidden.[/i] Drust's warning from before sounded in Ghent's mind. Diverting his attention downward, he tugged on his hood to help conceal his eyes, hoping against hope that they would somehow go undetected.