"Names Arthur, figure if we're gonna be fighting and maybe dying together we at least should know each others names." MacKensie nodded as she looked up at the mountain of a man. Of all the group, she was most glad that he was on board with idea to help. He looked like he could more than handle himself, carrying around that metal anchor like it was nothing. Then James introduced himself and explained the magical energy she was feeling was his handiwork. [i]So he is a wizard,[/i] she thought. [i]Huh.[/i] It seemed the case that all of them had been gifted with astonishing abilities. She too could feel something of an enhancement in her body's movements, particularly when she drew her one-handed crossbow quicker than a hiccup. "How do you do," she greeted all of them. "I'm Mac-" "You can call me Zell." Zell flew past them as he interrupted her, her ire for him flickering once more. So [i]that[/i] was his name. Not that she cared. Adam introduced himself and MacKensie was quick to echo his sentiments to James. "Yes, I believe your magic will be very useful. Thank you." "Uh, I guess we're fighting now. Good luck everyone, and please be careful." "Best of luck. We can get through this," MacKensie said, making a fist in front of her. Then she remembered, "Oh, and my name is MacKensie. MacKensie Trydant." She bobbed in a quick curtsy, then went and started climbing the ladder. When she got up and looked out over the field, "Sacre bleu," a chill ran up her spine. Her eagle eyes scanned the approaching raiders - ogres that must have been 10 feet tall. Animated skeletons moving with what could only be the power of magic, all armed, eye sockets vacant and spooky. She squinted as she caught sight of a skeleton bigger than the rest, wearing spiked armour and a helmet. The leader, she reckoned. Doubt filled her. Would the skeletons fall to her bolts? Would the ogres even feel them? [i]Stiff upper lip, Mac,[/i] she told herself, the thought coming in the voice of her father. Her mothers voice was next. [i]You can do anything you set your mind too, my darling. You always have.[/i] "Okay," she said quietly to herself. "Calm. Focus. Don't forget to breathe."