[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/TMocGqd.png[/img][/center] Iddin dances in a frenzied sprint away from the brigand. His chimes call on the wind as he brings forth a small cloud of dust. It carries forward to Ashur as Iddin passes by and halts for a moment. [b]Iddin:[/b] [i]"Yet again he finds need of your mercy! Let him be freed of his bloodied wounds. Grant a warrior your blessed flesh!"[/i] The priest glances in the direction he is heading and halts. A much greater cloud was being kicked up as the two columns of horses came to a head. Not the conflict he would want to be drawn towards... But encouraging the newfound flank would need him out of it. [b]Iddin:[/b] [i]"Zuzu grants blessings indeed! Doan is as mighty as ever."[/i] [center][sub][i]Iddin moves 6 tiles to 20-30 and casts Heal on Ashur. Ashur gains 9 VIT (16/16). Iddin gains 18 EXP and 1 Theurgy, losing 1 Heal durability.[/i][/sub][/center]