I'll format it later, but here are some races. You can assume by the way that an animal race for most animals already exist, they're classed similarly to humans. These are just the ones who have a bit more going on for them. [h3]Unique Races[/h3] [hider] [b]Adeptus [/b]- Disciples and creations of the first Pyro Archon, long-lived beings with immense mystical power. They are defined by their Adeptus arts, which are capable of creating their own realities. Adepti are often in search of knowledge and wisdom, usually towards a particular subject, as the accumulation of knowledge is one of the reasons they were created, as to not forget about the past. [b]Yaoguai [/b]- Powerful beasts that live in the lands of Fuhan, but able to assume a human form. Over time, Yaoguai have adapted and learned to coexist with the citizens of Fuhan but are still widely seen as savage beasts. They possess great strength and resilience, and their beast forms give them an edge in battle. It is said the current Pyro Archon has a whole squad of Yaoguai soldiers. [b]Yokai [/b]- Mystical beings from Yato’s long and storied history, often appearing throughout with their own tales. It is said Yokai walk among the people of Yato, having long learned to be one of them. A Yokai’s strengths and weaknesses depend entirely on what kind of Yokai they are, some are talented at using their elements, and others are storied warriors. [b]Cryptid [/b]- In Walton there exists proof of the land’s ancient roots, the roots of the Uvera people. Called divine beasts by the tribes of Uvera, and called cryptids by the people of Walton, they are often strange and unusual creatures. Largely, most of them cannot assume a human form, but among them there are those that are particularly powerful, and are able to do so. Cryptids have a wide variety of possible powers and abilities, but they often correlate to something somewhat alien. [b]Witch [/b]- In the long past of Averton, when man used swords and shields, there existed a people who were incredible wielders of magical arts. Shunned by the people of Averton they went into seclusion. Today, they still hide among the people, stories of their ancestors and their portrayal as evil people who lured the innocent into deals with the devil still haunt them. Whether or not such stories were true, their command over magic is immense. Typically, witches are women, but male witches have been recorded as well. [b]Noble Beasts[/b] - A class of beasts who possess greater intelligence, they are frequently legends in and around the Averton and Lascuta regions. They are beasts with stories more complex than man hunts beast. Vampires, werewolves, succubi, wraiths, and so on.They have often been compared to yokai, but the difference seems to be the nature of their powers. [b]Jotun [/b]- The Jotun are a hardy large race living in the Helgaskr region. Their population is quite small, and they are a peaceful people. An ancient war however has made them forever resentful of the peoples of Helgaskr, though at the time it was called something else. The Jotun possess large bodies, and stone-like skin, and of course, great strength and resilience. [b]Shaitan [/b]- In Al-Marabar, it is said if a good man were to one day kill another, or to commit a crime seemingly unprovoked, it would be the fault of the Shaitan, evil spirits who incite evil in the hearts of men. Shaitan themselves though… Do possess this ability, able to push suggestion into the hearts of people they speak with, though it is not explicitly for evil purposes. Sometimes it can be for the good of others. Shaitan compared to their other supernatural counterparts seem somewhat unremarkable, often possessing a mostly human appearance, with the particularly powerful ones possessing horns. Overall however, they are resilient and impressively agile fighters, often relying on their mobility and trickery for combat.[/hider]