Michael joined Nygari and Netherlu and listened to the quick introduction by Lytse before turning to Netherlu. "I found this dude and Lytse here thought it could be your father. Can you tell me where you last saw him or heard from him and what he looks like?" Michael stared at him for a moment before he stuttered the description and where he was supposed to have been. "Ruins of the Alph?" Netherlu repeated. "It wasn't far away from there. I'm not completely sure as humans kinda look alike, but I can take you to this place I left him and you can see for yourself." "Thank you," Michael whispered. "I would like that." Andy grinned at the word boyfriend and waved. "Pleasure to meet you." He definitely didn't want to bring up Darkrai here and now. "Frosiien is kind enough to introduce me to her very extended family." As ge participated in the conversation he occasionally glanced in the directions of Michael and Mindy to see what they were up to. Harcu grinned and gave Gavin a pat on the back. "It's not too late, my friend. Go out and talk to other living creatures, and you might find one you fance " he chuckled. "And you won't be last, as I'm certain there are some of our fellow legendary Pokémon aren't even interested in mingling with other species - be it human or another kind of Pokémon." "[i]Yes![/i] Jirachi said as he geabbed some berry juice with a straw. [i]"Even some new ones. New Mew snd Mewtwo. And these humans and theor Pokémon companions of course"[/i]. He took a long sip and let out a pleased sigh. [i]"Delicious![/i]