Aldrich weighed Jacqueline's words carefully. He certainly did not want a fight that could be avoided, yet with a seemingly savage beast before them, the chance for reason was slim at best. His mind flashed back to the vicious fighting pits of the Dwemerlocks, and the clawed, fanged beasts he was made to fight. Several of his bodies grisly scars had been courtesy of them. He could still taste the arterial blood in his mouth from the one he had slain with his teeth. Suppressing a shiver, he said in a low voice to Jacqueline, "Agreed. Flank it on the other side. Both of you attack together and drive it towards me." With slow, careful movements, Aldrich planted his feet and cradled the boarding pike firmly. He made a hissing sound, drawing the beasts attention to him, holding it's gaze. Once the others attacked, it would force the beast to run towards Aldrich. He would be ready to drive the tip of the pike through it's heart.