In any other situation involving this crowd, Elodie would be fucked. But. This is an art gallery. This is an art gallery on steroids, perhaps literally, with the richest people in existence all either having shown up or sent their regrets and a representative or family member, because for them it's about hobnobbing with the other hoity-toity people who come to these sorts of things to show off their reach and power by having the one and only blargleblah. But Elodie came to these, before the arrest, for the art. She's got her eye on the presumed head of security as a possible interview target for later on, when she knows what questions to ask, but right now she's going to instead cut into the CEO of Amazon's conversation (hi, I stole some of your stuff yesterday, a little voice in her head adds) with a fresh glass of water in each hand, offering one to the BioTan rep. "At the risk of repeating what he's already said and taking a wild guess at the intended meaning behind it, the arch is the station as a ecological system, isn't it? A closed system that takes care of itself, with only minimal intake from outside? It's a lovely piece, I'm curious how the flow goes against gravity in that part. Elodie, by the way, I'm one of the press members here." There you go, ma'am, two different outs to talking to somebody less of a bore, and maybe three if you've got a little voice in your ear putting her face, voice, and name to a bio. "How was prison" is a decent icebreaker. She'll get Piper over here for a formal interview in a second, warming up the interviewee is important. Elodie does not see the discussion on the perfect city at the cost of a child to respond to, because she is working a job at this party full of people with perfect hair and perfect lives, built off Amazon Customer Service Ambassadors being given 31 hours a week, and genetic editing compilers being built in the fifth week of crunch straight. Maybe that's response enough. [quote]Art History to get an in with the BioTan rep and see where she goes with it. Let me know if this is a spend or just having it gets me the access.[/quote]