Location: Human Village [@Psyker Landshark][@Asuras][@VitaVitaAR] [hr] “I-I uh…w-well yes okay…! T-thank you!” Being spoken to at least, seemed to help the villagers regain their senses if only a little. The child with them couldn’t help but to look back at Aleksiya as she was swiftly pulled away by what was presumably her parents as the vampires disappeared further into the tunnels, the sounds of the vampires swift assault soon echoing through the cavern system… Dragan’s hammer tore into the undead attempting to breach a barricaded house, smashing the skull of an antlered beast and sending it to the ground. Retaliation was slow, as it’d attempt scrambling back to its feet, only to them have the undead beast slam into the crowd from the side again, completely clearing them from the barricade and scattering them in the confusion. The undead beast tore into the other creatures, biting, clawing, ripping and tearing. A particularly large beast lunged towards Dragan, attempting to knock him over with its size. Aleksiya wasn’t far behind. Dragan’s magic worked to resurrect the fallen villagers as zombies, the beasts that had been feasting on them were in quite for the nasty surprise as the corpses began clawing and biting, ripping and tearing back. It was a gruesome, macabre sight as the beasts still in a feeding frenzy continued trying to eat and devour the corpses while the zombies themselves did much the same. It was perhaps, a fairly ingenious strategy. Though it’d take quite a lot of focus to raise so much, the beasts, if they did happen to kill one only lessened the burden after quite a fight leaving Dragan able to focus more on his own battle. The zombies, though, at least had Aleksiya’s magic to hinder the beasts too. Unseen bullets of ice pierced numerous beasts hide and heads, if not killing them outright, making them easy pickings for the zombies. Now that they were in the area proper, they could see something perhaps a bit odd and out of place. One of the houses looked as though it had a wooden barricade or door or some such, ripped off from the inside. Location: Human Village, Riverside [@Pyromania99][@Click This] [hr] The creature’s cannon did not need much charge time it seemed. Only a mere few seconds. As a small orb of light appeared at the end of the canon, Akyasha managed to move out of the way, quickly stepping…and having a bit of help from an unlikely ally. Six shots rang out, all slamming into the undead fishman, throwing its aim off balance. The canon fired in the same instance Akyasha’s weapon met its face once more. It tried to grab her, but it was too late as it fell back to the ground. A blast of highly dense magical energy launched off into the air as it fell to the ground, it soon exploding into the sky somewhere above. The beast didn’t move again. The gorebat atop Giselle’s head chittered grumpily before flicking its ears towards the house and hissing… Inside the burning building, Julene deflected another blow, but the smoke was growing thicker and the flames had completely engulfed the building now. A swing of her blade, managing to crack open the skull of a nearby undead. And there was the sound of wings flapping, and a small chitter. “...A beast!” Julene quickly turned, brandishing her blade and aiming to attack whatever it was…only to have the Gorebat latch right onto her face and chitter a bit irritably. “What…the blazes are you!?” She’d shout, grabbing the thing and pulling it off her face before roughly throwing it to the ground. “Tch, some new beastie crawled out of the woodworks…didn’t that weird lady…bah, whatever.” The gorebat hissed in pain as it slammed into the floor. Oh it didn’t like this human. It was going to complain to Akyasha about this. Julene made to leave, but something heavy fell to the ground outside, and the ensuing shockwave rattled the building, collapsing the front door of the building. “Geh, just my luck!” Location: Pirates End [@crimson Paladin] [hr] Cynthia hesitated for only a moment, briefly glancing back to the figure looming over the both of them. It truly was gargantuan in size, water draining from the shoreline as though an oncoming tsunami was rushing towards the land as it rose higher and higher into the darkened sky. Ancient shipwrecks clinging to the water as though it was using them for makeshift armor. She’d pry the wooden shrapnel from her shoulder, the wound miraculously closing in seconds as she’d use her free hand to grab hold of the bowspirit. “Captain Fellborn, on my mark, swing this bowspirit around and hurl it towards the beast and infuse as much of whatever spell you want into it as you can!” Cynthia shouted, deftly pulling herself up onto the bowspirit, running atop it as an expert tightrope walker may. From the depths of the watery visage, a single, vertical eye opened, dwarfing even a ship in size. A single melodic, sing-song voice was heard. What could only be another part of the beasts body began rising from the sea next to it. “Now Fellborn!”